Almost agreed?? You and King Henry have been talking for days! What have you been discussing, the weather?!


I wonder whose face you're imagining in that target. A Portuguese prince, perhaps?


Lola: Bash, how do you feel?
Bash: Close to death, apparently.

Lesson for the day. Next time you see a threat large or small, you cut it down like a weed. Understand?


When the ax falls on your neck, I will be there. With Bash. The next king of France.


Mary: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that.
Bash: You're right, I should have.

Francis: We'll prove to them that our union is strong.
Mary: But it isn't.

You know the Scottish border is quicksand. A pretty girl doesn't change that.

King Henry

Thanks to my father's lust for England and your need to marry a French king, I have a target on my back.


My dearest Mary. If you are reading this, you are leaving France to reclaim your Scottish throne. I always knew this day would come and I wish I could be at your side as you set sail to take back what is yours. In the darkest of times you were my conscience. Your heart was my light, Mary, and it burned so very bright for France. No matter how far you go, that light will burn forever.


I am Scottish. This country is in my blood as I know it is yours.


Lola: Despite your heartbreak, I must warn you, I show no mercy.
Elizabeth: Lady Lola, I expect no less.

Reign Quotes

My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.

Queen Catherine

Love is irrelevant to people like us.
