Dr. Gross: I got very drunk last night... And I decided that I'm not giving up on you. So... how'd you do with my counting exercise?
Dr. Cox: Honestly, I tried it once and I thought it was stupid.
Dr. Gross: That's it - we're done.
Dr. Cox: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're dumping me?
Dr. Gross: I hope we can remain friends!

Dr. Gross: Fine. You want to know what I really think? Your problem isn't that you make bad choices, it's that you identify the good choice and then intentionally do the opposite. You see, behind this boorish bravado of yours is a paralyzing fear of letting anyone into your life. And it isn't because you weren't loved when you were a kid, it's because you're so ego-centered that the love wasn't enough. So, you pulled pig-tails and you pushed the fat kids into the dirt so no one could ignore little Perry. Well "little Perry" is now forty years old. And you're so invested in this neurotic, narcissistic notion of yourself as "loner" that you can't quit. And you'll just keep dumping on everyone around you, until eventually - and please, trust me on this - there won't be anyone left.
Dr. Cox's Narration: There's a million reasons a relationship can crash and burn...
Dr. Cox: Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooo. Gimme a break.

If it isn't my favorite career counselor. You wouldn't happen to have any more tips on how to climb down the ladder, would ya?

Dr. Cox

J.D.: I've been doing some thinking, about how you're always blaming me for everything, and how you just send a constant stream of crap my way... and I decided I need a break.
Dr. Cox: So, what'd you come by to tell me you're a complete wuss?
J.D.: No. I... came over here to tell you that I traded with another resident and switched off your service for a while.
Dr. Cox: Well, tears-&-hugs, there, Katie. But, unless you want to come inside, here, and give one of the fellas a lap-dance, I'm afraid I gotta say Sayonara, 'cause I got twenty guys in here and it's about to get nutty! All the best, baby.

Doug: Uh, Dr. Cox. I was the one who switched with J.D.
Dr. Cox: Nervous Guy... How you feeling?
Doug: A little nervous.
Dr. Cox: Oh, that's okay. Don't worry about a thing, 'cause I'm gonna ease you in. Here's the deal: You have exactly eight seconds to find this patient's chart or you're through here.
Doug: God! Chart? Chart? Anyone?
Laverne: You want me to look for it?
Doug: Did anyone see a chart?!
Dr. Cox: Nah, I got the chart right here.

Elliot: Cheer-up hug?
Carla: What?
Elliot: Well, when I was little, and something made me sad, my mom would always have the maid give me a cheer-up hug.
Carla: Ahhh, further explaining your love of the Latino people.

Okay, wait, wait, wait. Now, are you kissing me because you actually want this to go somewhere, or because you feel bad about blowing me off yesterday? Actually, I don't care either way.


J.D.: Ahhh, eight strips of bacon! That girl is all about the J.Dizzle.
Turk: Oh, yeah?
J.D.: Oh, my God, it's pancake man.
Turk: That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Dr. Cox: What is it, there, Bobbo.
Dr. Kelso: I'm sorry.
Dr. Cox: What did you say?
Dr. Kelso: I spoke to my cardiologist, and he said if you hadn't caught my high blood-pressure, and it had continued unchecked, it, uh, might have resulted in a mild case of... death.

Elliot: Nurse, I need... clean sheets right away to room one... thousand.
Paul: Uh, she's covering because she's embarrassed that she likes a nurse. And I really can't figure out why.
Dr. Kelso: Well, that's because you're doing a woman's job, son. Have a good one.

Elliot: Great. Why did you do that?
Paul: You know, Elliot, what I do for a living, it doesn't make me feel like I'm any less of a man. Neither does my love of baking... or gardening... or the fact that I occasionally menstruate.

Dr. Cox: Boy, I gotta say, your wife is hotter than I ever imagined. Arrrrrrrrrrr... me-ow!
Dr. Gross: Hello, Perry. You're obviously trying to bully me, but you can't bully me because I don't fear you. Now, I'm leaving.
Dr. Cox: Kelso asked me to give him a physical, I did it, he said "thank you" and told me he owed me one.
Dr. Gross: You actually made a decision that benefited your life personally and professionally?
Dr. Cox: Well, a resident kinda talked me into it.
Dr. Gross: Yeah, come on, you're telling me that you took the advice of another human being? This is a great moment for me.
Dr. Cox: Congratulations.

Scrubs Season 2 Quotes

J.D.: Yeah. You know what's weird, though? It's like, Dr. Cox and I are pretty vegan-kosher.
Turk: He hasn't yelled at you?
J.D.: No.
Turk: This is the guy that screamed on you for like twenty minutes for dropping a thermometer? And he hasn't raised his voice once about you bumping uglies with his ex-wife?
J.D.: Mm-mm.
Turk: I don't get that guy

J.D. [to Cox]: you won't admit this, but you're in love with Carla.
Carla: No, he's not.
Dr. Cox: Actually, I am.
Carla: You're starting again.
J.D.: And Carla, you're mad that Turk didn't trust you enough to tell you.
Turk: See? Trust, woman, trust!
J.D.: Whatever. The point is that Turk is sorry.
Turk: Not anymore!
Carla: I can't believe you thought he was a threat.
Dr. Cox: I'm a threat!
Carla: You're not in love with me, you idealize me.
J.D.: Can we just try and stay focused...
Turk: You're mad 'cause I'm scared of losing you?
Carla: Yes, because we're stronger than that!
Dr. Cox: Apparently not!