Dr. Cox: Are you swanning this guy?
J.D.: Look, I really don't need you checking up on me every five seconds, okay? I'm a doctor, and I have as much medical expertise as anyone in this place... Now what exactly is swanning?
Dr. Cox: What?!
J.D.: I'm kidding. Enough of the backseat doctoring - I got this.

J.D.'s Narration: I can't figure this out. Maybe if we tried stress-dosed steroids? I think I'll tell Dr. Cox that.
J.D.: I can't figure this out. Maybe if we tried stress-dosed steroids?
Dr. Cox: Or maybe we could just fill a syringe with false promises and inject him with that. Hm! Says here you already got that one covered!

J.D.: You know, try and discourage me all you want, because kites fly highest against the wind.
Dr. Cox: What?
J.D.: I'm a kite! I'm a big, beautiful kite! Fly!

Tyler: Is that fun?
Dr. Kelso: No, son. It's work. But this body didn't happen by accident.

Elliot: Don't run off on me again, Tyler.
Tyler: Sorry. I got scared. And when I get scared I hide. I know it's stupid...
Elliot: It's not stupid! Wanna know where I used to hide when I used to get scared? This closet right here. And the one on the second floor. Oh, and there's also this broken MRI machine down in the basement. It's like my own private cocoon...

Elliot: Check this out.
She opens the door to reveal a male intern in there sobbing.
Tyler: Cool.
Elliot: Hang in there, Steve.
Steve: In med school, they never teach you how to deal with death-
She slams the door on him.
Elliot: Steve'll be stronger if he gets through this on his own.

Elliot: I just realized that people here need me to be brave. Just like your dad needs you to be brave for his operation.
Tyler: Can I hold his hand?
Elliot: They're not actually very big on that.

Carla: He figured out that spleen thing, maybe you should get off his case.
Dr. Cox: I would love to get off of his case. In fact, nothing would make me happier than to watch him walk into a patient's room and not feel that I have to run in after him and check up on everything.

Turk: Uh, hey, Elliot? Can I talk to you in private?
Elliot: Parlez-vous Franais?
Turk: You know, I did learn a little when my high school class went to France, but that was just stuff to pick up chicks.
Elliot(Translated): Turk, I really think it would make Tyler feel better if he could watch, OK?
Turk(Translated):I have... an... Eiffel Tower... in my pants.
Elliot: What?
Turk(Translated): Grapefruit!

J.D.: I gotta tell you, Mr. Marks - even though I know you'd never take it, I'd give you one of my kidneys in a second.
Mr. Marks: Oh, no, I would definitely take it! I would take it with my bare hands.
J.D.: Awesome. Well...let me check your chart and s-see if we're a match!
J.D.'s Narration: Please don't be a match! Please don't be a match! Blood type O! Not a match! Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!
J.D.: I'm so sorry.

I love large groups of white people eating pollen.


J.D.'s Narration: I couldn't decide whether I should tell Murray his dad wasn't his dad. Luckily hospitals are full of supportive colleagues eager to help.
Dr. Kelso: Go tell that little bastard this second before he coughs a kidney up to his fake father and sues this hospital. Write that down in your little unicorn book.

Scrubs Season 4 Quotes

Elliot: It's so strange feeling all alone when like a month ago I was part of this really tight group, you know?
Molly: Yeah. I had tons of friends at my old hospital.
Elliot: I gotta meet some new people.
Molly: Do you wanna, uh, get a cup of coffee tonight?
Elliot: Can't. I'm hitting the internet hard and going on a friend hunt!

Molly: So, where were we?
J.D.: Er... we weren't talking.
Molly: Was it 'cause of something you did? 'Cause I'm totally over it. I don't even remember what it was.
J.D.: No, I mean like, we've never talked.
Molly: How do I know your name then?
J.D.: You don't.
Molly: You're freaking me out Jimmy.
J.D.: It's Johnny.
J.D.'s thoughts: Why would you say Johnny? You hate Johnny.