We hunt Lucifer, trap the bastard and save Cas.


Every demon in Hell hates you.


You can't save everyone.


Sam:You have to come with us.
Jimmy:How long? And don't give me that "cross that bridge when we get to it" crap.
Sam: Don't you get it? Forever. The demons will never stop. You can never be with your family. So, you either get as far away from them as possible. Or you put a bullet in your head, And that's how you keep your family safe. But there's no getting out and there's no going home.
Dean: Don't sugarcoat it, Sam.

I'm worried about my boys.


I told you that roadhouse chili was a bad idea.


I'm going to come back for you. OK? I promise.


Apparently archangel plus God power doesn’t trump God’s sister.


Dean: What were you doing anyway?
Sam: I went for a Coke.
Dean: Was it a refreshing Coke?

Dean: Cas you okay?
Jimmy: Castiel - I'm not Castiel. It's me.
Sam: Who's me?
Jimmy: Jimmy - my name's Jimmy.
Dean: Where the hell is Castiel?
Jimmy: He's gone.

Graveyard Caretaker: Tell me, Agent Nugent, have you thought about where you might like to spend eternity?
Dean: All the damn time.

Last time I saw that look on an editor’s face, I’d just handed in "Bugs."


Supernatural Quotes

Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is going to sell like hotcakes.


Dean: Do I know you?
Becky: No, but I know you.