Nick: Back any better?
Sabrina: Yeah, I just really love this point of view.

Connor: Do you die at the end?
Raquel: Yes.
Connor: When do we start?

Raquel: What?
Connor: You're so beautiful.

Is it illegal to have bad judgment?


Kal: What if he dies?
Christopher: He won't die.
Kal: But what if he does? He'll still have no idea who I am.
Christopher: So tell him.

Abby: Why did we get married?
Grey: Because we want to spend the rest of our lives together.
Abby: I don't even know your last name.
Grey: It's Sanders and technically it's your last name too. Unless you want to keep your own.

Dawna: I'm sorry...I don't...I thought...I don't know what I thought. I hope Walter's okay. Bye, Sean. [To Christopher] It was nice meeting you.
Christopher: Yeah, you too.

You give me all this talk about how safe and low profile this credit card scam is and you show up driving the time machine from Back to the Future!


So, Kaldrick King is a faggot. Shoulda known. No one spends that much time rappin' about banging bitches and killin' snitches unless they're compensating for something.

Infinite Jest

Oh, and I've always wanted to say this. You've got 24 hours.

Infinite Jest

Connor: Charlotte kissed me.
Roxanne: She kissed you? She kissed you how?

No one needs actors, but everyone needs a mattress.


The L.A. Complex Quotes

Abby: Filipinos 4:13.
Donald: It's Philippians. Not Filipinos.

Raquel: I hate nature.
Connor: You can't call this nature. There's a Coffee Bean like a hundred meters away.