Patrick Jane: You knew I’d be back.
Teresa Lisbon: No, I didn’t. I can’t read minds.

I’m working through something and I just need space to think. I can’t soldier on like you, Lisbon.

Patrick Jane

I just can't run away from my work. This job is too important to me.

Teresa Lisbon

I don’t think you’re a fraud. I know you’re a fraud.

Patrick Jane

If you want to be out here I can show you the ropes but do it because you want to not because you miss her.

Kimball Cho

I came in here to figure out if you were just a fraud or if you were a monster.

Patrick Jane

Teresa Lisbon: I need to know that you're not going to run away again.
Patrick Jane: I won't.
Teresa Lisbon: I need to know that you're committed to this. To us.
Patrick Jane: I am, that's why I want to do this.

Are you going to take off your wedding ring? It just, it seems like you don't want to let go of it.

Teresa Lisbon

Well he is stealing blood from a corpse. He's got to be doing something weird with it.

Patrick Jane

I shouldn't have said anything about the ring, I'm sorry. You do what you need to. I'm okay. I swear.

Teresa Lisbon

No one goes home. No one takes a nap or a coffee break until Patrick Jane is returned and this man is arrested.


Jane would go. He'd say do the usual thing you get the usual result which in this case is him dead.


The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.