That's really cute. Here's a tip though. Don't try to out cute the cutest person in this office.

Phlebotomy gotta be a lotta blood snot and pee. My dude is premo when he's drawin that hemo, he found that vein like that fish found Nemo!


Here's your dumb watch. I found it in the nightstand next to a tube of really slippery toothpaste.


Mindy: You liked the movie Varsity Blues right?
Casey: I am an American male, between the age of six and ninety-three yeah.

Tamra: Un uh I told you, we don't want no candy bars little boy.
Mindy: Uh it's Dr. Lahiry, Tamra. I've worked here for many years and actually hired you.

Casey: did you tell them the good news?
Mindy: I did not. Guys I lost three pounds of water weight from diarrhea.

I'm Mindy Lahiry M.D. you stupid bitch!

You're too high maintenace. In Haiti you're not going to be able to have your Jimmy Choos and Wally Wongs and what have you's.


Mindy: Baby, you like your boobs between an A and a B?
Casey: Indecisive boobs are like my thing now you know?

Mindy: You're looking very Christmasy
Morgan: Yes I am.

Danny please don't throw twenties at me like I'm doing lap dances.

How does an Englishman not understand English? That is, amazing to me.


The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
