Maybe I won't get married you know? Maybe I'll do one of those Eat Pray Love things.

Danny: Are you sad about Cliff?
Mindy: No, sad is when the taxi driver thought I was Jaden Smith.

I used to think that sex addiction was made up by male celebrities, but now I think it's real.


I'll just heroically save the practice from what I did to it

Danny: You know I'm annulled.
Mindy: That's only in the eyes of God. That means less than nothing.

Mindy: Why do you have a mannequin head and Bossypants in here?
Morgan: I wated to see how Tina Fey could juggle it all.

Old guys think I have sassy mouth.

This house, not equipped for kids alright? I eat cereal out of wine glasses.

Why do u need a bunk bed? Are you trying to lure Marines in here so you can hook up with them?


The only other English person they know is my GPS lady.


Evan: Mindy you're a doctor do something!
Mindy: I'm a gynecologist Evan. Why don't you web design him back to life!

Rapping is a hobby. Do you think I would just throw my life away simply because I'm good at naming celebrity couples?

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
