Yes, biologically she is a boy, but who knows what she will identify with. I can still win.

To church? You killed someone, now I have to die of boredom.

No, Jesus didn't have a roommate. He lived with his ma.


Trust me, these little sins are just as straight a path to hell fire as all that cool stuff I used to do.

Fr. Michael

Mindy: Hi Friar. I'm Mindy. I so enjoyed speech.
Fr. Michael: Sermon.
Mindy: It was the best part of the show.
Fr. Michael: Mass.

Jeremy: Come on, stop, Danny has never even been slightly embarrassed of you.
Mindy: Really? OK, that's a huge relief.
Jeremy: See, I can act, Morgan!

Who am I kidding, everyone snoops? When I first went to your mom's house I tried on her wedding dress.

This was meant to be my love letter to America, but it ended up like every love letter I've ever written with the authorities being called.


Mindy: Do I look gross?
Rishi: Oh I don't know. I mean I knew you when you had a perm and overalls and that was gross.

Adults shouldn't have to put on pajamas to meet each other. They should just have their parents introduce them to their second cousin. You know someone who has the same values as them.


The old Jeremy would have gone home and taken it out on his pottery wheel.


You're going to get hotter and hotter like George Clooney and I'm going to get fatter and fatter like Rosemary Clooney.

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
