He wasn't supposed to try and trick you, he was supposed to try and trick your parents.


You shouldn't really have intrigue about something you have nothing to do with. Should you?

Kathy [to Ethan]

Ok at this point I think I'll venture a guess, defensive sex? You're making yourself more available so I won't fool around with some other woman.

Ricky [to Amy]

Grace: I always wanted a sister.
Amy: I've always wanted a nice sister.

Most of all, I miss my virginity.


I'm too old to be sent to my room. I'm divorced, I had a child, I'm 18, I'm an adult.


Grace: We don't need to spend so much time alone. It's only gonna make us wanna have sex.
Jack: I'm always gonna wanna have sex with you.

Jealousy uses a lot more energy.


Lauren: I don't think you're their favorite friend.
Amy: Madison slept with your boyfriend.
Lauren: But she never got pregnant.

It's important to have friends. Girlfriends. Not just a boyfriend or guy friends, girlfriends.


I'm 9 months from having him graduate high school. Freedom is just around the corner.

Leo [about Ben]

He completes me.

Dylan [about Ben]