You're supposed to ask the girl to marry you in private and get married in public you dummy.

Bunny [to Ricky]

Madison: You know what they say, blondes have more fun.
Lauren: I think she's had enough fun.

He's kind of having an anxiety attack.

Dylan [about Ben]

I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you both.

George [to Amy and Ricky]

Amy: Toxic shock? Do you even know what that is?
Ethan: Yeah it's when your whole system is poisoned with bad news.

You're not gonna play that religious card again are you?

Adrian [to Grace]

Grace: I can't really talk right now.
Adrian: Yeah you can, Amy and Ricky eloped!

Secrets sound better than lies.


Did you know that he lies? He's a very good liar, well not good really, just frequent.


You wanna be a part of this family, you learn to keep a secret!

George [to Toby]

You know Ben, he likes us bad girls.


I know Ben is stupid, but he's not evil.
