For further communication I will require more beans.


Halloween - the one time of the year where the squalor of our home works to our advantage.


I'm the floor. I can't move. So far a normal Sunday morning...


Marge: I take your sugary sweets and give you healthy items...
Bart: This is exactly why kids need a union.

Now prepare to take an incredible journey across the room.


This place is beautiful as a the side of a Coors Lite bottle. The kind my dad used to leave in te bathroom.


I thought teachers only went outside to smoke and cry.


Same garbage, different dumpster.


Edna: We have shirts from other high schools.
Marge: Ooh, we can wear those to the nice malls.

Yar, just plastic. Which is healthier than what you find in the ocean.

Sea Captain

I do have a place you can go, where a man with sadistic man with government experience can feel right at home.


So much violence on the surface world, I'm going back.


The Simpsons Season 23 Quotes

I guess it's not much when you look at real problems in the world like Major League umpires not using instant replay.


What's what the new security guard? He's acting all aloof. By the way, that's my word now - "he's."
