Excuse me, gentlemen. I need to drain the second course.


I didn't realize this was a Whose Life is More Fucked contest. If it means that much to you, you win.


I've always liked you, and I'd miss you if you got killed, just so you know.

Terry [to Sookie]

You wait to tell people how you feel about them, you never know what will happen.


This is Jesus. He's a Mexican. But he ain't rape me yet.

Mrs. Reynolds

Jason: There's werewolves? Big Foot, is he real, too?
Sookie: I don't know, I guess it's possible.
Jason: Santa?

It's 5 a.m. What are you doing eating my chicken in the dark?


Hoyt: We can fight our natures together.
Jessica: It's too late.

The one time in my life I thought I was happy, I was a fuckin zombie.


Eric: Bill Compton is no Godric.
Sookie: But he's everything to me.

Sookie: You think I'm that stupid.
Eric: I think you're that human.

Let's go to the ladies room and stare at ourselves in the mirror.


True Blood Season 3 Quotes

(to Bill) How bout you just call us the f**k you crew.


For the love of God - vampires nothing but sh*t.

French waitress

True Blood Season 3 Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes