You know what I like to do when I'm trying to get my mind off something or someone? I channel it into a project. Hello, you think I really care about macrame? Okay, bad example because I love macrame!


Wilhelmina: fly my pretty, fly
Marc: and you thought yummy was too gay?

Daniel: we should probably take different elevators, we don't want the office getting the wrong idea
Amanda: Right. Cause my panties stuff in your paper shredder didn't tip them off

Do you have a boy coming over? Wait, it is a boy right? Cause I need to know these things if I'm staying over


Marc: I brought you a present... whole wheat
Wilhelmina: Too late, yesterday was carb day

Connor, I want to apologize for my behavior. I always blackmail people when I'm nervous. It's my go to


Oh my God! That is so romantic. It's like Julia Roberts flossing before whoring herself in "Pretty Woman".


is it just me or does anyone else see the fashion elf?

Wilhelmina [sees Justin hiding]

Alexis [whispers to Wilhelmina]: I'm not wearing a bra
Wilhelmina: power move

Amanda: Grubstank...
Henry: It's grubstick. Grubstick. Got it? It's one of the oldest and most honored names in Dutch history, which loosely translated to he who gives the fairest price for his bricks. The name is venerated and I am proud to be a Grubstick
Amanda: Did he just get really hot?
Marc: I've never been more attracted to anyone in my life

Even if I wanted to express sympathy, I physically can't.


Fat Carol hates her job. Why would she eat so many grilled cheeses if she didn't?


Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.