Ava: Was that an intruder? Not while Mama Bear is on duty. Kevin do you have a gun?!
Kevin: Yes.
Ava: Yes?!
Kevin: No!

Maybe that summer we would have run into each other at Tower Records and made out in the parking lot.


Reagan: Oh Honey, she's a baby.
Chris: Yeah that's what she wants you to think. Why don't you ask her what happened with the sweet potatoes?

Reagan: Honey you wouldn't hire that one woman because she didn't use a mac.
Chris: It's a different mindset.

Neither you nor Steve Perry should ever stop believing Nancy.


Always happy to have some judgement advice from someone who owns Rick James's houseboat.


Dump and chase boys!


I smell feces!


You know what? Ellen did this. Ooh, well played Ellen.


Yeah, don't left-wing tweet at me please.


Midday scotches, I like it.


Reagan: Stop saying baby in there, like there's a baby hiding in the closet with a knife or something.
Chris: Why are we whispering?

Up All Night Quotes

Who knows, maybe I'll get the old Nordic Track out.


Reagan: Stop saying baby in there, like there's a baby hiding in the closet with a knife or something.
Chris: Why are we whispering?