Shayna: I have been on an 800 calorie a day diet of sea grains for six months!
Ava: I have been sober for 80, hours.

If I wasn't chemically lobotomised right now, I'd really feel for you.


To be honest, when I first agreed to sponsor and run in this event I was not super aware of what a K was.


Reagan: A milkshake kind of defeats the purpose of exercise.
Ava: I'm carbo-loading for my 10K against literacy.
Reagan: For literacy.

Inside this gnarled Yoda body is a Peter Pan!


Our bodies can't do what they used to be able to do. Yours can't play hockey with twenty-two year olds, mine can't laugh really hard without peeing a little.


You know you love them so much and then your love just turns to worry.


I am the mama bear. I am the Caroline Manzo of The Real Housewives of New Jersey.


You're not exactly twenty five pulled a muscle taking off your shirt last night.


Of course, no one should have to fire a lover. I mean think how frought it was for Governor Schwarzenegger to fire that handsome maid.


Hi, I'm Ava I just had sex with a Leprechaun under my dress.


Mary Tyler Moore, she was foxy for a white woman.

Ava's Dad

Up All Night Quotes

Who knows, maybe I'll get the old Nordic Track out.


Reagan: Stop saying baby in there, like there's a baby hiding in the closet with a knife or something.
Chris: Why are we whispering?