Reagan: If the first James Bond and the last James Bond had a baby, it would be you.
Chris: I feel like you're just saying that cause I said it in the car.

Oh God Christopher, I don't want to see how the sausage is made!


Guys I own three pairs of Crocs and wear a Life Is Good tee shirt.


My ex Kevin, I wear his deodorant brand so I can remember his smell.


So I Google Alabama Head Football Coach Nick Sa-ban. He was wearing pleated front khakis!


I love saying vino.


I'm gonna cancel the babysitter, call Tim and say that we're sick. Why don't you cue up Downton Abbey or something.


Reagan: Tim said that the peak of it is when the drop hits i guess? It's like the musical crescendo or something.
Chris: Yes like "In The Air Tonight" when Phil Collins comes in on the drums.
Reagan: Yeah Honey it's just like Phil Collins.

I'm so beast!


Ava: Shut it Reagan Marie!
Reagan: Not my middle name.

Reagan: Amy woke up at 5AM, I'm exhausted and Luke took away my Green Mountain Half Caff.
Ava: Why don't you start your day with a glass of champagne like the rest of America?

Look, he's already using the clickety clack thing.


Up All Night Quotes

Who knows, maybe I'll get the old Nordic Track out.


Reagan: Stop saying baby in there, like there's a baby hiding in the closet with a knife or something.
Chris: Why are we whispering?