Oh yeah, I lost my locator, and yes I realize the irony of that

Dr. Venture

I just learned that giant clams don't like the taste of exploding robot legs

Dr. Venture

Dr. Orpheus: Do you have a pen, Hank?
Hank: To use as a magic wand?
Dr. Orpheus: To use..as a pen, Hank

Mass. Pirate: We need that key to stash your boat, Mr. Big Stuff - let's have it.
Brock: It's up my ass.
Pirate #1: Are you serious?
Brock: Why don't you check?
Pirate #1: Well? Check!
Mass. Pirate: But what if he's lying?
Pirate #1: If he were telling the truth, that would be better?!

What kind of "expert bodyguard" ties men up with big bows?

Pirate Captain

Dean: You scheme was very clever, very clever indeed, but he's no ghost!
Pirate Captain: Oh ya think genius? What tipped you off - was it the huge zipper, maybe the rubber mask? But you had to kill him anyways. If you'd played by the rules - the ghost pirate rules - and just run away, none of this would be happening! But nooo, you had to go nuts and kill a guy!

Brock: I want you to put your hand around your throat, Hank.
Hank: Uhh...all right.
Brock: That tube you feel is your trachea, think of it as a handle. Your thumb is on your carotid artery, that's your button. Now remember - grab the handle, push the button. Repeat that back.
Hank: Grab the handle, push the [choaks]
Brock: Let go of your own throat, Hank

Triana: So how come I don't see you at school?
Dean: I'm kinda home-tutored in a box my pop made. It sometimes gets very hot in the box....my pop made.
Triana: Wow, that's, um...that's screwy.... Crap, did I upset you?
Dean: Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts seawater into freshwater

Dr. Venture: Dean what the hell are you doing in there? I need to take a shower!
Dean: I'm practicing being a boyfriend, Pop!
Dr. Venture: Never mind, Dean!

Dr. Orpheus: What the hell is this thing made of?
Dr. Venture: Nothing.
Dr. Orpheus: Come on...
Dr. Venture: All right, fine, I might have used a few unorthodox parts.
Dr. Orpheus: Just tell me one...
Dr. Venture: An...orphan.
Dr. Orpheus: A what?
Dr. Venture: An orphan?
Dr. Orpheus: Did you say, "an orphan?!"
Dr. Venture: Yeah, a little...orphan boy.
Dr. Orpheus: It's powered by a forsaken child?!?
Dr. Venture: Might be, kind of. I didn't use the whole thing!

Molotov Cocktail: Promise me one thing.
Brock: What's that?
Molotov Cocktail: Don't be gentle

Dr. Venture: Hmm, how you fit a stairway behind this bookcase, I'll never figure out. Heey, if I pull this candle down, will it...?
Dr. Orpheus: ...get wax on my carpet? Yes

Venture Bros. Quotes

Hank: You are not the boss of me
Sgt Hatred: Au contraire, I am tony danza to your spunky Alyssa Milano. I am full on Charles In Charge of you

Hank: Is it just me or does every Nazi want to clone Hitler? It's like the only they think about
Srgt. Hatred: It seems that way, right. I guess when everyone hates you, you just fixate on making rotten Hitlers