Dr. Orpheus: And now the Marco, with arms outstretched, and his eyes blinded to all his Polos, begins to cry his own name...
Dr. Venture: Oh my god, fine, just try it, for crying out loud.
Dr. Orpheus: Very well.... Marco!! Marco!!

Dr. Venture [about Orpheus' cat]: Oh, she's an affectionate little one.
Dr. Orpheus: Oh my apologies, she's in heat.
Dr. Venture: I heard if you take a q-tip and moisten it with warm water...
Dr. Orpheus: Ohhhh! I tried that once, it was horrible. I couldn't look at her for a week. She was just a walking reminder of our common shame.
Dr. Venture: Oh dear God, that's not your wife in some like, magical animal form

Dean, I'm going to turn around now and you better be on fire. You're standing there in flames, and the only person who can put you out is me. Because that is the only conceivable reason that you would wake me up like this!

Dr. Venture

Dr. Venture: My son has it in his head that you were in our house last night and you...killed our robot. Heh heh.
Dr. Orpheus: The seed of your loins is quite astute. I saved your mechanical man from certain damnation. For his frail, electronic eyes had gazed upon the impenetrable! He was an unwilling beholder to the impossible!
Dr. Venture: ... See, I told you there was a rational explanation

Brock: Look, Hank, I have memories attached to that record. Could we drop this please?
Hank: Is it because you killed a whole bunch of ninjas when it was playing, so now it reminds you of ninja?
Brock: No.
Hank: Frogmen? Does it remind you of frogmen?
Brock: No!
Hank: A team of mutated half-dog, half-man...
Brock: It's a woman! The only woman I ever loved. Ya happy now?
Hank: No. Because you snapped at me

Triana: Who's that big guy who's always washing his car in front of your place?
Dean: Oh, that's Brock. He's my dad's bodyguard. One time, I saw him kill a guy with a sock full of party snaps!
Triana: Did the guy's head get blown off?
Dean: Yes it did

Greetings, Pumpkin, I am at Mr. Venture's lab to right that which is wrong and to repair the torn curtain of time itself! There are four puddings in the fridge. You may enjoy the contents of one of them. Dinner at six

Dr. Orpheus [leaving a message]

Brock: Nice rescue, boys. You saved me from the only woman I've ever loved with a hat that smells like a men's room and we're still here.
Dean: We totally blew it.
Brock: No, that's not what I mean. I'm impressed with your spirit, I just wish you'd thought it out a little better.
Hank: Okay, Brock, I admit there may be some small holes in our plan

Hank: Smooth move. She was all over you!
Dean: Ya think?
Hank: No

You sure did a job on this place. I think my dad used to make giant horseshoe crabs here or something, I hardly recognize it

Dr. Venture

Dr. Orpheus: I am known to men as Dr. Orpheus. And mine is to conceive and control the delicate arrangement of the cosmos!
Dr. Venture: They give out PhD.'s for that?
Dr. Orpheus: Junior college upstate, communications major and minor in women's studies

Triana: Doesn't your dad have a nickname for you?
Dean: Well, I've heard him call me "Dave" or "Don" a few times, but I don't think they're nicknames

Venture Bros. Quotes

Hank: You are not the boss of me
Sgt Hatred: Au contraire, I am tony danza to your spunky Alyssa Milano. I am full on Charles In Charge of you

Hank: Is it just me or does every Nazi want to clone Hitler? It's like the only they think about
Srgt. Hatred: It seems that way, right. I guess when everyone hates you, you just fixate on making rotten Hitlers