Andy [about Audra]: She likes me
Gale: She's gonna burn in hell for all eternity
Andy: Well I'd rather laugh with the sinners, Gale
Gale: For now...

Esteban: Our son will be baptized by a priest in a church
Nancy: Sorry, he's Jewish. Snip, snip. Eat fish. Start saving for law school

Nancy: Why is the bed moving?
Andy: There must be an earthquake.
Nancy: Are you jerking off?!?

Be the baby!

Nancy [asking Andy to suck her nipple]

Nancy: I think I'm happy for you.
Andy: I think I'm happy for you, too.

Silas: Silas: I get it. If I get shot in my jerk-off arm, I would be mad too.

Shane: Shane: Aaargh! Fuck you, fuck your mom in the ass with a screwdriver.

I screwed up my kids.


Andy: If you don't cum, the terrorists win.
Audra: We can't have that.

What about you? You ever take a trip down to girlie town?

Celia [to stylist]

Andy: What is the glue that holds your relationship together?
Nancy: I don't even need the choices on this one. I'm gonna say Elmer's.

You've made your bed, now f**k in it.

Nancy Botwin