Arrow News

Arrow Review: The Canary Sings

Arrow Review: The Canary Sings

On Arrow, the journey of Sara Lance continues, as a member of The League of Assassins threatens her family if she doesn't return to Ra's al Ghul.
Posted in: Reviews
Arrow Review: Not For The Weak

Arrow Review: Not For The Weak

On Arrow, the identity of Canary is revealed after she speaks the name of The Arrow. Read the review for more from "Crucible."
Posted in: Reviews
Arrow Round Table: "Broken Dolls"

Arrow Round Table: "Broken Dolls"

Join us for the Arrow "Broken Dolls" Round Table, where we discuss the many changes experienced with the Lance family, among other things. Join in the debate now!
Posted in: Round Tables
Arrow Review: All Coming Together

Arrow Review: All Coming Together

On Arrow this week, The Arrow was born and Laurel might have finally dropped her vendetta. Overall, people aren't very perceptive in Starling City.
Posted in: Reviews
Arrow Review: Corporate Heroes

Arrow Review: Corporate Heroes

Oliver realizes he was lost in his own suffering on Arrow, while his friends and The Glades were falling down around him. Check out the review for more!
Posted in: Reviews
Arrow Review: Farewell to The Hood

Arrow Review: Farewell to The Hood

Arrow started Season 2 by rebuilding Oliver's relationships with his friends and family and re-establishing his goals to protect Starling City. Read the review for more.
Posted in: Reviews

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
