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Jules and Grayson wake up together and discuss their relationship. Grayson wants to try to be friends with benefits and Jules tells him it is a horrible idea.

The gang comes over in the morning for coffee and they all discuss certain things that they don’t know about each other.

Travis and Bobby go working odd jobs so that Bobby can save up money to get his boat back in the water. If they catch the red balloon they will win a ton of money.  So they start chasing this balloon all over town. This turns out to be life threatening, so Travis quits helping his dad out.

Andy buys Ellie a nanny to help take care of their son. Ellie is overjoyed, but starts to feel bad about it. She even has to hide from her nanny and husband because she is just sitting around.

Jules and Grayson have great sex for a second time. Jules now believes that they will be able to be FWBs. Grayson wants to just keep it to themselves, but Jules obviously already told Ellie.

Laurie realizes that it is easy to torment Ellie about having a nanny and not working. She does everything she can to revel in it. Andy asks Laurie to cut it out because this gift is really for him.

Laurie tells Ellie that she really does admire her life – not Jules. That she shouldn’t feel bad about her lifestyle – that it is great.

With Ellie’s help, Jules and Grayson set down ground rules for their casual sex. But after awhile, Jules starts to realize that she can’t do the FWB because she is starting to have feelings for Grayson. Ellie gets her to realize that telling him the truth is the only way to go.

Jules admits to Grayson that she wants more and that she is really into him. She tells him that they should give it a shot. He tells her that he doesn’t know what to say – that he needs time to think about it.

Bobby comes over to the house and surprises Travis with a car – all the odd end jobs that he has been doing was to save up money and buy him a car – not put his boat back into the water. They go off for a spin.

Grayson crosses the street and kisses Jules. It is on!

Cougar Town
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Cougar Town Season 1 Episode 22 Quotes

Ellie: (to Jules about the coffee) It's 7:45am why are you not already serving us?

Grayson: And our friendship means a lot to me. I don't want to mess that up.
Jules: I don't either. Maybe this should just be a one time deal?
Grayson: Or we could be friends with benefits.
Jules: Oh you snuck that one in at the end didn't ya? Friends with benefits - the old FWB. That is the greatest male myth of our time. That and our knees being erogenous zones.
Grayson: It is.
Jules: It's not. It's a knee. Do you want to know why FWB never works?
Grayson: No
Jules: We're friends - it can't be casual. Friend sex comes with feelings and baggage and someone always gets hurt. It's a horrible idea.