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Lois sends Peter to the grocery store. Stewie is getting ready to watch Fast and Furious -- the whole series. Brian is bored and leaves for the bar.

Peter prances to the grocery store and meets his cereal idol, Boo Berry. Hilarious cutaway to Peter being superhero "Anus" a take on Daredevil.

Stewie leaves Rupert on the couch to finish watching Fast and Furious while he goes upstairs to bed. When he wakes up he finds Brian drunk on the couch and Rupert tore apart. Stewie defriends Brian.

Peter tells Lois why he's not watching his hand. Chris tells Brian Stewie is going to Vermont to scatter Rupert's ashes. Brian follows Stewie to Vermont. They fight on the mountain and Brian admits he killed Rupert on purpose because he was tired of playing second fiddle to the bear.

Stewie falls off the side of a cliff and sprains his ankle. He refuses Brian's help.

Peter joins the boys at the Clam and his hand is disgusting so Cleveland texts Lois to see if there's something they all can do together to get Peter to wash the hand.

Cleveland dresses as Count Chocula and the hand gets washed.

Brian and Stewie make it to the top of the mountain. Brian gives a eulogy at Stewie's request and they spread Rupert's ashes. Brian dumps has Gatorade bottle full of pee on the crest and they go back down the mountain.

On way home while Stewie is asleep, Brian stops at a toy shop and buys a new bear that looks just like Rupert and puts him in bed with Stewie. When Stewie wakes up he is excited.

The real Rupert and Paul Walker watch the happenings from above before riding off into the great beyond.




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Family Guy Season 16 Episode 11 Quotes

Chris: I can't tell if they have a really strong marriage or a really bad one.
Meg: I feel like it's weird but strong. Like Danny Trejo.

Brian [about Fast and Furious movies]: So what's the plot?
Stewie: Oh. So you don't understand these movies.