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Peter and fam are at a Japanese restaurant and Peter is confused as to which bathroom is for men and which is the women's. He goes into the women's bathroom and is impressed. 

Cutaway to the family at a basketball game when a player falls into the front row where the fam is sitting. He gets up and Meg and Lois are pregnant.

Peter tells Lois he's going to the mall to go into other women's washrooms. He says he'll go into Anthropologie and ask for a ridiculous item, but the entire store is full of ridiculous items.

At Anthropologie Peter uses Meryl Streep's reserved bathroom. She shows up and beats him to a pulp. Cutaway to Meryle Streep winning an Oscar for "Stay Out of My Crapper."

Peter then goes to the bathroom at Wimbeldon where two women are using the toilet and grunting.

He goes to another bathroom and puts hands Stewie on the purse handle and his legs are wobbly because he was watching House of Cards and his legs fell asleep. He falls down and hits his head on the bathroom sink, wakes up to an amazingly handsome paramedic who took care of him.

He becomes friends with Stryker, the paramedic. Peter goes to a party with Styrker and meets 1997 George Clooney. Peter is high on Stryker and blows off the guys to be with Stryker.

The guys catch Peter with Stryker and confront him. Peter goes off on the guys about them not being cool and being losers. They leave in a huff.

Peter goes wingsuiting with Stryker. 

Cutaway to Peter as Kathleen Turner stealing Peter's stromboli.

Stryker goes first and dies when he slams into a cliff. Peter has to identify the body which looks like a bowl of tomato soup. The coroner tells him the guy next to him died in a fire and looks like a grilled cheese sandwich.

Peter tries to make up with the guys at the Clam, but they know what happened to Stryker. They are not happy to see him. Peter talks to Lois about it and he tells her he hung around Stryker because he thought people thought he was cool.

Stewie asks if Jarod from Subway and the other pedophiles from his photography club can spend the night.

Peter thinks Lois told him to jump off a cliff so he goes wingsuiting but the guys stop him before he jumps. Peter falls anyway and ends up injured. When he wakes up he learns that the whole Stryker thing was just a dream because he was in a coma for two weeks after hitting his head on the bathroom sink at the mall.





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Family Guy Season 16 Episode 2 Quotes

Anthropologie Associate: Sir. There's nothing strange or useless enough that we don't have here at Anthropologie.
Peter: I know one thing you don't have. Black customers.
Anthropologie Associate: Aaah! I'm melting!

Oh, Lois just texted. Burgers or meatballs for dinner? I'll text back for you. Same things, bitch, just different shapes.

Stewie [to Peter]