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FBI Agent Fischer, who is cracking down on organized crime, is suspicious of Adam. McGarrett tells him that Adam is innocent. FIscher and his family get blown up by a package bomb. McGarrett decides Five-0 should sweep up those  involved with organized crime, and he recruits HPD and the National Guard to help. Kamekona assists in locating targets. FBI Agent McNeil pulls over Adam. Eddie finds the hiding place of one criminal, then Eddie captures him at the end of an underground tunnel. Tani visits a criminal she once dated, Damien, only to discover he has called for backup. Junior is supposed to be backup, but the two cops he was with got shot, with one killed. Junior goes in, killing the suspect. Outnumbered, Tani pushes Damien off the balcony into the pool, then jumps in after him. After interrogating more than one hundred criminals, McGarrett decides that the criminals aren't behind the hit. Jerry said the Yakuza has stayed out of the gang violence, which he feels Kenzo, the new Yakuza chief, is behind. Jerry tries to raise Adam, but can't get him, because McNeil is interrogating him. McGarrett barges him and takes away Adam. McNeil told McGarrett that Adam had visited the former Yakuza leader Shioma in prison. She wanted him to find her children, but he refused. McGarrett asks Adam to find where Kenzo is hiding. Adam goes to Kenzo's hiding place and talks him into surrendering. Kenzo said he had nothing to do with the gang violence or the hits on Shioma or Fischer. Armed gunmen take over the temporary gang holding area and free the crime bosses, just before they cut the surveillance feed. They begin shooting the leaders one by one. McGarrett, Grover and Tani arrive too late to save them. McGarrett recruits Adam to start a new unit investigating organized crime.

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 12 Quotes

Junior: Why do I need backup?
McGarrett: No, no, you misunderstand. You are the backup. Baby steps.

You approach a member of my team again without my knowledge, and our conversation isn't going to be nearly as pleasant.

McGarrett [to FBI Agent Fischer]