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Tani and McGarrett have a paddleboard race after discussing his bromance with Danny. Grover tries to school Will on women. They come upon a crashed car for which an alert has been issued. The man inside, Brad Woodward, is threatening to kill himself. Woodward is the suspect in the murder of his wife Tracy. Brad said Tracy killed herself. Grover is trying to talk him down. Grover promises Brad that Five-0 will look into his case. A negotiator from HPD wants to take over, but McGarrett won't let him. Five-0 establishes that something was going on with Tracy that Brad didn't want anyone knowing about. As a show of good faith, Grover puts his gun away and gets in the car with Brad. McGarrett explained that Grover had a similar case before which ended badly. Noelani found Brad's DNA under Tracy's fingernails. Brad said Tracy had severe depression. Junior finds an ATM camera across from Brad's apartment. Brad's father-in-law John comes charging in with a gun, but McGarrett disarms him. Grover admits to Brad that he once considered suicide after that case which went wrong. Brad had gone home to get sleeping pills away from Tracy. The video from the ATM had shown Brad was out of the building when Tracy died. When Steve tries to deliver pizza, John grabs a gun and rushes Brad's car, hitting Brad before Duke shoots him. McGarrett tells Brad they had proof he didn't kill Tracy. but Brad still blames himself for in exhaustion he told her to do it. Grover recalled how he didn't kill himself because Will came home from school that day. Brad handed over his gun. Grover ended up moving to Hawaii to escape the memory.

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 13 Quotes

God gave you two ears and one month. You ever wonder why?

Grover [to Will]

Tani: Brothers from another mother.
McGarrett: That's true.