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Claire and Phil's anniversary. Claire is calm and confident in her gift. Phil hasn't bought her anything yet.

Joe and Luke are playing hide and seek. He wants to play him new zombie video game.

Jay, Manny and Gloria hanging out. Jay and Manny are going to a comedy show. 

Gorge, an ex of Gloria's, is coming to town and they're relationship was 6 months long and only physical.

Cam and Mitchell are shopping with Lilly. The alarm went off and there was a bra in the shopping bag. It was a prank and they were going to punish Lilly, but they gave in. 

Phil can't figure out what to get Claire. He's at the mall and trying to find a meaning in all the gifts. He's lost his muse.

Claire is telling Joe, but he's working for Phil with a phone strapped to his belly. she blows a blowhorn into his stomach.  9:10

Jorge arrives and he looks exactly like Manny.

"egg chute" Cam 9:11

Mitch and Cam are meeting with the teacher. They found out Lilly doesn't have a bra and is getting teased about it.

Jorge and Manny have a lot in common. Jay is questioning him about the relationship with Gloria.

Alex thinks he's Manny's father too. She offers to do a DNA test.

Mitch and Cam come to the sleepover and bring Lilly a bra. They keep talking about female stuff. They embarrass Lilly. They're stepping in with boy advice and they want her to say.

Gloria comes home and hugs Jorge from behind. Gloria is freaked out. She says it's possible Jorge is Manny's father. Alex shows up with the dna test. Jorge is her father. (April fools joke that Gloria played on Manny and Jay.) She keeps laughing.

Phil got Claire a bad gift.

Claire rented their old apartment and set up all their old favorites, complete with mix tape. She broke a pipe, fishsticks are burning, Claire hanging from a pipe. Fire starting on the table. Racoons come in and eat the fishsticks.

Phil breaks out Clair's gift which is like a multi tool thing (mop). Claire is impressed. They get back to their dinner and dance.


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Modern Family Season 9 Episode 18 Quotes

Why would you do that? My ears are still developing!


Oops, I dropped the, uh, I wanna say egg chute, but I know it's probably something more Latin-y.