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Hayley isn't doing well at work, so she's trying to get Gloria to sell NERP her salsa.

She agrees to go to the meeting.

Luke might not go to college because he doesn't think he's ready.

Phil keeps talking about when he beat Claire racing. She told him she let him win. He doesn't believe her. He challenges her again.

Mitch and Cam are going on a ride along with the police. Cam's using the lingo. Mitch is getting shotgun.

Phil and Claire are getting ready for their race. Claire pulled a muscle because she hasn't been working out. Phil plays robot battles at the bball court, not basketball. So, neither of them work out.

The cop and Mitch decide to mess with a jerk on the road. Cam is feeling left out. He's trying to fit in, but he can't. Mitch is fitting in great. Cam is stuck in the back. 

Luke is in a college interview. He decides not to go.

When they get back to the station, Mitch lets Cam out. Mitch was offered a prosecutors job and Mitch didn't tell Cam. Mitch doesn't want the job.

Gloria and Jay are meeting at NERP about the sauce. You blew it you dummy. I wanted to sell the stupid sauce.

The sauce isn't working and Gloria doesn't want it anymore. 9:22pm

Phil is hurting from working out too hard. Claire calls Luke and Claire is hurting really bad too.

Luke picks up Claire and takes her to Phil. He reveals the truth. The only time I break a sweat is when I run after the ice cream truck. Phil 9:24pm

Luke decides to go to college.

Cam brings Mitchell into an interrogation room to find out why he doesn't want the prosecutor job. He starts to interrogate him. "You get a donut when I get answers, you piece of trash. Cam 9:26

They left Cam in the back again, to go get tacos.

The sauce hurt Hayley's boss's face.

Claire and Phil use the robot to answer the door because they're too sore to get up.

Modern Family
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Modern Family Season 9 Episode 19 Quotes

You blew it you dummy. I wanted to sell the stupid sauce.


The only time I break a sweat is when we run after the ice cream truck
