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There was one hell of a good recap of what's come before with Claire speaking about it.

Prison, 1753.

Jamie was looked to as a leader, but he didn't have the strength to stand up for them.

The men were starving, and they needed rations. A fight broke out, with the men grabbing at the rabbits held before their eyes.

Jamie is next in the dining room with someone. He doesn't know why. He's done nothing. The officer is unhappy about the ruckus. He deserves respect.

The men ultimately sing and aggravate the army, and one of them gets killed. A soldier finds a piece of tartan and is irate. Jamie claims it as his own even though it is not. He's dragged away.

It's time for another flogging. When his back is bare, men flinch seeing how much he had endured previously. Jamie has a vision of Claire coming to him like an angel.

The prisoner who has been helping the army, Christie, says that wasn't justice.

Jamie tells his captors that the men will not be working today. There was a death, and they deserve to grieve and have a rest. Jamie asks the guy to make him a freemason. The men will listen to him.

Jamie leaves some lavender wrapped in leather under a rock and addresses the men. No more senseless fighting. It's been Catholics against Protestants, and it's time to rally under freemasonry and unite as Scots.

Back in normal time, Claire has recreated anesthetic so that people can undergo procedures without pain.

Jamie has been asked to be an Indian agent, but Jamie will not accept. Claire is in agreement.

Jamie can't get the sight of Claire under anesthetic out of his head. He's been like her shadow ever since, and she wonders if he'll be accompanying her on every home visit.

Brianna and Roger talk about their new reality since they've stayed behind.

Marsali is pregnant again. She's visiting Claire for a checkup. Claire spots a bruise on Marsali's wrist and shows concern. Marsali shrugs it off, but she won't meet Claire's eye when Claire brings up Fergus.

Tom Christie knocks at the door, and Roger intercepts, inviting the man inside.

Tom came to Fraser's Ridge after seeing a pamphlet. He wants to settle there with a bunch of other people he brought with him. Brianna and Roger have asked him to sit and such, but Roger notices him wiping the dust off of the table.

Tom is a schoolmaster. He's unimpressed when he learns there isn't a church or schoolhouse.

Claire and Jamie return and Jamie is stunned to see Tom. He is there with humble gratitude for Jamie. It's super awkward.

Claire and Brianna catch up, Brianna telling her mom she's glad she didn't lose her heart and her spirit. Claire clearly doesn't want to talk about it.

Brianna has some designs. She's worried that folk on the ridge will be afraid of her ideas. Claire promises that if anyone makes a fuss, she'll remind them of the Roman's progress using indoor plumbing and under-floor heating.

Tom introduces Jamie and Claire to his son and daughter, who have heard wonderful things about Jamie from their father.

Tom and Jamie talk about their blessings, and later, Claire wonders if Fraser's Ridge is the best place for him to settle.

Jamie tells Claire about feeling and seeing her presence at the prison.

It's time for sex. Jamie wonders if he's died and gone to heaven.

Tom's daughter, Malva, visits Claire. Claire thought she was talking to Brianna, and she was talking about science, which brought up Satan.

Major McDonnell isn't pleased that Jamie refused the position. The bastard threatens Jamie with the collection of taxes, which the new governor won't waive as did the previous. Jamie assures him they'll pay their fair share.

Tom is conducting a mass when Brianna, Jamie, and Roger wander up. He tells his people that they'll build a church and school to show what pious people can do. Jamie counters by asking them if they know how to build a cabin. Nope. Jamie will tell Tom how they do things here.

Roger and Brianna feel for a young woman whose husband died on the voyage over, leaving her to raise two babies on her own.

Fergus arrives to "help," but he's drunk as hell from working at the still. Jamie chastizes him, suggesting he spend a bit more time at home.

Tom looks concerned.

Ian and Allan, Tom's son, are hunting. Ian's great at it, but Allan, not so much. As they talk, a gang appears, claiming that they thought Ian was an Indian. They're here representing the law. It's a committee of safety. They're seeking justice. Allan is messing with his gun and turns his back, causing the men some concern.

Tom is already hurt and seeking treatment from Claire. For some reason, Tom faints. Jamie and Tom poke at each other over religion and faith. Claire notices his other hand is all crunched up. She can fix it, but he's not interested.

Jamie shows Tom to the door, and Tom insults him on his way out, annoying Jamie.

There is a feast to be had, and Major McDonald and Tom and his family are invited. Major McDonald tells Jamie that since he turned down the emissary position, he'll be offering it to one of the Browns instead. Jamie doesn't approve.

Of course, Tom insults Jamie, reminding him of his time at Ardsmuir in front of the major.

Fergus is still drunk, and Marsali eating with the rest of them. Then Fergus indicates that he's had sex with a girl named Lizzy.

Aidan McCallum wants to go home. He wants to do what his dad would have done. Roger intervenes when his mom can't get a handle on him.

Their nice dinner is interrupted by the arrival of the safety committee. Fat Brown is leading the way. They're looking for the dark-haired boy who was out hunting with Ian. They say he's a thief, and they've come to arrest him.

Tom confronts Allan and forces him to apologize for fear that he'd wind up like his mother, burning in hell.

Mr. Brown wants to give Allan ten lashes. Jamie intervenes, and Tom says he wants his son to pay the price. Jamie assures everyone they'll ensure he's punished.

Mr. Brown keeps pushing, wondering why Allan stole gunpowder, of all things. He wants Jamie to dole out the lashes. Instead of lashes, Jamie hits his ass with a belt while everyone watches.

It's highly unpleasant, but Jamie knows he just saved the kid from permanent scarring.

Jamie decides he'll be the Indian agent rather than allow Mr. Brown to do it.

Marsali and Fergus talk, such that it is. He says he's sorry he's such a disappointment.

Claire is having a nightmare about all of those who have tortured her. There's a hell of a list.

She leaves under the guise of getting tea, but she takes ether instead, passing out.

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Outlander Season 6 Episode 1 Quotes

The name Lucifer brings to mind the burning fires of hell. Are you going to use the phosphorous to light the fire?


Tom: Is there a schoolhouse on the ridge?
Roger: No, not yet. But we do intend to build one. For now, I've been teachin' the wee lad his letters.
Tom: As long as there's a church. A man must surely build a house for God before building a home for himself.
Roger: Aye, well, we don't have a church yet, either. But that sounds like something my father would have said. He was a minister. Of course, he was Presbyterian. My side of the family was Protestant.
Tom: I'm not Catholic. There were some of us at Ardsmuir who merely wanted Scotland's interests best served rather than the Pope's.