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Cops burst into a home and a cop kills a guy. McGuiness staged it. He meets with a woman, presumably Rebecca Thrall to talk about what he did.

Red finds that someone broke into his room and heads to someone else's room until the coast is clear then goes back to his room. Inside "Rivera wants You" is painted on his window. He calls Dembe for information.

Tom and Nik talk about identifying the body and how they're doing it all for Liz. Nik brings another guy in to identify the remains and meets Tom.

Liz meets Red at a restaurant and learns he is looking for a new place. He gives Liz a new case regarding McGuinness. Liz shares information with the team. Liz and Ressler talk with McGuinness to get information. McGuinness tells his lie. Liz catches him in a lie and she tells Ressler that he's "dirty."

Rebecca Thrall has someone in the basement for some S&M fun.

Red meets with Rivera's men. They want missing guns. Red promises them what they want. Dembe is concerned.

Rebecca Thrall is the lawyer for the family and Liz and Ressler are talking with them. Ressler gets a text from Prescott that he needs a car at some impound lot. He's distracted as the family starts talking about their son.

Prescott threatens him and he convinces Liz he has to go help a friend.

Red is at the DMV to talk with Glen. He wants to borrow a million bucks. Glen agrees. Wow. Red is at rock bottom to have to go to Glen.

Liz and Samar find out information about a loan that McGuinness got and investigate the loan company. 

Rebecca Thrall is talking to a woman about a settlement. 

Red is meeting with Smokey and Hawkins when Tom shows up. He wants Tom's help. 

The Task Force figure out that the loan company is paying out loans for assassinations. 

Rebecca kills the head of the loan company.

Red visits another guy with Tom and Dembe to buy guns from them. Glen shows up with the money. They make a deal. Tom gets to stay as collateral for the guy.

Putnam is clearing a landing strip with elephants to get the gun runners.

Ressler is getting the car for Prescott and there's a dead body in the trunk. 

Liz and Samar are looking for the next target and is pulled over by the woman who is going to kill him. Liz and Samar show up in time to prevent her from killing the guy.

Red and the gun runners get busted by cops. 

Ressler questions the state trooper. He gets her to call Thrall and set up a meeting.

Tom and Red are in the back of a police car while Thrall gets busted.

It was a set up. Red got his guns and a plane. 

Red tells Ressler he can always count on him if he ever finds himself in a difficult position.

Tom gets a call from Nik. The guy found DNA in the bones.

Ressler delivers the car to Prescott.

Glen joins the party and Red isn't too thrilled about it, but he realizes he couldn't have done it without Glen and his money.




The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Ressler: I know this isn't politically correct right now to say this, but cops don't kill people they protect them.
Harold: Most of them do. The ones that let anger and emotion, prejudice and carelessness affect their behavior are every good cop's worst nightmare.

By the way, what's with the boots? You guys do a lot of riding?
