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A corporate executive, Adam McHenry, is gassed. He awakes to be ordered to read a confession by Michael, then is thrown off a balcony to the street below. Harold awakes in his car in a parking garage but doesn't remember how he got there. Red has set up a headquarters at a trailer in the woods. Dembe arrives. Reddington gives him the file for Michael, known as the Avenging Angel. She is ruthless when it comes to returning that which has been unjustly stolen. Harold discovers Doug Coster, who had an affair with Charlene, has been murdered. Ressler asks Park for a clean sample of urine for his drug test. She eventually supplies one. McHenry's partner had poured out his pain on a prayer board hosted by Michael. Red hopes to steal artwork from an old friend's apartment, but the friend's son is throwing a party. Aram and Dembe find Michael's hideout as she's snatching hedge-fund owner Derek Huntley. Reddington steals a Van Gogh to use as bait to attract Michael. MIchael has already abducted Walter Conrad and William Green. Harold fears that the bullet that killed Coster came from his gun. Conrad gave the heart meant for Green to Huntley. Micheal wants to give Huntley's heart to Green. Michael bites on the Van Gogh, insisting on meeting the owner before buying. Raymond returns the painting to its original owner. Aram tracks down the warehouse where the transplant is taking place. Red interrupts the surgery. He and MIchael argue over Huntley's guilt. Reddington shoots her and gives her heart to Green. The Task Force arrives after the surgery is complete. Red admits to Cooper what he did. The painting's owner is a death-metal singer. The bullet that killed Coster came from Harold's gun. The test result shows that Park may have cancer. 

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 4 Quotes

Red: Well, this is uncomfortable.
Dembe: Because I arrested Vesco?

Charlene: Harold, you scared the hell out of me.
Harold: If it makes you feel any better, I scared the hell out of me.