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Red informs Cooper about the SPK, a gang stealing religious iconography. Ressler bristles about Dembe being accepted without question to the Task Force. Harold sends Aram and Dembe to the most recent crime scene. They determine the murdered guard was the gang's inside man. Ressler and Park question David Kangas, a money man who wired money to the guard but he sets himself on fire. Red attends an auction featuring the religious icons and buys one for $5 million. Raymond pressures auctioneer Trevor to set up a meeting with the seller. Running the SBK is ex-blacklister Robert Vesco, posing as Giovanni, but he's dealing with violent members. Vesco gets tricked into a meeting with Reddington. Vesco has been selling the icons that he is supposedly destroying. Vesco is planning to flee after the next job. But his dissidents are planning a bombing. Aram's angel investor comes through. Kangas's wife had tracked his phone to an American Legion hall. Dembe finds a secret door behind a mirror. He and Ressler find an image of the SPK's next target and its location. Red wants Vesco to repay an old debt. The Task Force determines Vesco is involved with SPK. Raymond convinces Vesco to talk to his flock. The dissidents learn Giovanni's real identity on the police scanner. Dembe and Aram collect offerings to get a better look at the bomb. Red intercedes on Vesco's behalf. Weecha shoots all the dissidents when they won't give up. Dembe arrests Vesco on Reddington's plane before Raymond gets the money he's owed. Dembe explains he needs the arrest to convince people he's gone over to the side of right. Ressler will have to take his drug test over again. Park is blackmailing him so he'll get clean. Aram had his business partner buy him out and stays. 

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 3 Quotes

Park: Those things aren't real.
Dembe: Authenticity is irrelevant. Faith makes them real.

Ooh. Maybe you'll be on "Shark Tank."

Naamah [to Aram]