Ringer Review: A Secret Revealed

Ringer Review: A Secret Revealed

On Ringer, Bridget, as Siobhan heads to the Hamptons with Andrew, Gemma, and Henry. Henry intends to rekindle his affair and Gemma gets some unsettling news in "It's Gonna Kill Me but I'll Do It."
Posted in: Ringer
NCIS Review: "The Penelope Papers"

NCIS Review: "The Penelope Papers"

NCIS introduced us to Tim's grandmother last night, and it was wonderful. The case was ripe with intrigue, but only told half the story.
Posted in: NCIS
New Girl Review: White (Lie) Wedding

New Girl Review: White (Lie) Wedding

Nick and Jess pretend to be a couple at a friend's wedding to act as a buffer for Nick's ex-girlfriend. Schmidt, in his own way, tries to get laid. Find out what happens when things don't go according to plan...
Posted in: New Girl
90210 Review: To the Max!

90210 Review: To the Max!

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But with tempers boiling over on 90210, revenge was served piping hot this week. Find out what happened in our review.
Posted in: 90210
Glee Review: A Non-Asian F

Glee Review: A Non-Asian F

Glee packed a whole lot into a single hour this week. Way too much, in fact, according to this critic.
Posted in: Glee