The Mysteries of Laura Review: The Mystery of the Deemed Dealer

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On The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 13 we got an inside look at what lengths kids will go through to be at the top of their class.

It always surprises me how intense they write kids these days who are going to prep schools. It just amazes me the lengths they will go to, to get into the school they have been dreaming of. Thankfully they gave their victim a redeeming ending which goes to show we can't judge a book by its cover. 

So lets get down to business and talk about the episode.

Billy being frustrated about the victim not having any identification is how every single viewer feels when they are watching a crime show. It seems like this is a requirement for all crime shows – identifying your victims is never going to be easy.

I couldn't help but laugh when Laura was confused about what they have been calling marijuana.

Billy: The only thing in his bag was a set of keys and some very kind bud.
Laura: Excuse me?
Jake: Marijuana.
Laura: Kind bud? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Jake: That's what the kids have always called it.
Laura: I knew that.

Thankfully we have Max around to get a positive identification on our victim whose name is Miguel Santos and seems to have had a rather tough upbringing. I felt so bad for his father when was looking at the pictures of his son, but I understand his father not realizing everything Miguel had been involved in. Billy was right in saying when you live in a single parent home it is difficult to know everything your kid is doing. 

Does anyone else enjoy when Alejandro comes to the station? I don't fault Laura at all for being a little bit on the flirty side with him even though she is dating Tony. Thankfully Laura finally found out why Alejandro never asked her out -- Jake had put a stop to it. 

I was surprised to learn Miguel was able to secretly go to a prestigious high school without even his own father knowing; though I did understand why his father wasn't up for Miguel going to the school. He is right they will give you a scholarship, but they will quickly take it away if you fall out of step. 

Can anyone tell me where I can find a man like Food Truck Tony? The food they were eating looked absolutely delicious. Jake's jealousy of Tony just makes me chuckle – maybe Jake should learn how to cook some of Laura's favorite foods and than try to win her back. It's clear she does love her food.

I was definitely on Laura's side when she wanted to talk to the parents at the school instead of going straight to administration. She was right the administrators would immediately lawyer up before she could ask them any questions of course Jake had to fight her on it.

Billy's frustration when he was talking to the principal was felt by all of us. There was no reason to be so cagey about Miguel's records when there is a possibility it could help with a murder investigation. No surprise Laura was correct in knowing they were not going to be forthcoming with information.

Tracy was absolutely irritating – I don't know how Laura was able to talk to her without throwing up a little bit; though I am impressed with Laura's knowledge of all the names for marijuana. When Laura was trying to score drugs off of Phillip I couldn't help but laugh – you have to appreciate she brought up the movie The Graduate when pretending to seduce him.

Even though I do like Tony when Jake was telling Laura how he felt about her I couldn't help but cheer for him. Jake is trying his hardest to get Laura back, but he still has more to work on. I can't fault Laura for thinking he is bad for her.

You're bad for me Jake. Go home.


Of course Jake would pass out on Laura's couch – to be honest he was on the intoxicated side so he really shouldn't have been driving. Billy seeing Jake walk out of Laura's house was icing on the cake. Max of course would be the one to put everything together and spread it around the office about Jake sleeping over at Laura's. 

In the end I knew we couldn't trust Tracy as she was revealed to be the killer. She was totally talking herself into the corner when she was trying to proclaim her innocence. It was such a satisfying ending to know Miguel was never involved in anything illegal and he was a great kid who had a bright future. I was happy Miguel's father was at least given justice for his child and saw Miguel was proud of him – it was a beautiful gift.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Do you see Jake and Laura getting together by the end of the season?

The season is almost over, so make sure you go watch The Mysteries of Laura online now via TV Fanatic and catch up on the season.

The Mystery of the Deemed Dealer Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Billy: The only thing in his bag was a set of keys and some very kind bud.
Laura: Excuse me?
Jake: Marijuana.
Laura: Kind bud? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Jake: That's what the kids have always called it.
Laura: I knew that.

You're bad for me Jake. Go home.
