DIG Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Trust No One

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"Trust No One" was certainly a good title for DIG Season 1 Episode 7.

About the only person who Peter seems to be able to trust at this juncture is Golan and vice versa. Golan can't even trust his own police department to keep a suspect alive and Peter sure as hell can't trust Lynn.

Can Peter even trust his wife at this point? I'm starting to wonder.

Before we break into Peter's world, let's hit Debbie's. After giving it her best shot, she finally lost it all; Charlie is dead and Billingham once again has Joshua in his possession. It wasn't for lack of trying, as Debbie even strapped a fake bomb to Joshua's little chest to try to show them how far she was willing to go to keep the situation in check.

It doesn't even seem as if she knows what her goal is at this point, other than to keep Joshua out of the hands of Billingham at any cost. Who can blame her when the kid is shocked to see a store for goodness sakes? That's a pretty crap little life he's had so far.

Her next plan of attack appears to be to go in guns blazing. With nobody to help her, it hardly seems like a sound plan, but if she can take out a couple key people, maybe she can keep Joshua safe.

Then we have Emma. She finally revealed that it was all an elaborate hoax, right down to the red hair, to get Peter's interest. Unless someone has a better theory, I'm right back to the Wicker Man Peter's the ultimate sacrifice for the temple idea. Why Peter? Why not? 

Who is pulling the strings, though? It would be easy to point at Rabbi Lev and the Ambassador, but why would they give up so easily and then just want to flat out kill him? Sure, the plan could have been to get him all aflutter about his daughter to get him out of the way, but until the thing with Emma was there any indication he was a problem? Not that I recall. The thing with Emma started the problem.

Only Lynn and his wife know him well enough to know about Vicki and the red hair and the songs and all of that. It was really well thought out, so who is behind it? It's very odd to be that we have never seen his wife's face and that today she told him to go to Lynn, that she might be willing to help. 

Considering the setup at the park, none of that feels on the up and up. Narrowing the playing field in that way, could one of the big players have something going on with Peter's wife, and perhaps that's what ended his marriage?

Was that the Essene who was with Avram who saved Peter's ass in the park? Perhaps all Essene's sport the same haircut, but they sure looked similar. It will be interesting to hear Lynn's excuse on why that went down that way.

Finally, the whole thing with this temple has been going on for a long time. In 1988 Margrove got permission to dig with Donaldson who then discovered the world takeover aspect of the whole thing and went nuts.

The breastplate is completed and Margrove and Lev used it to locate treasures (I thought they were going to use it to talk to God) and it spelled out Dinah, which just so happens to be a part of the title of DIG Season 1 Episode 8, Sisters of Dinah, so we'll find out more next week.

What did you think? Did Emma's story suffice? Why do you think she was a mark to lure Peter? Who is behind it? Have you already run to the net to reference Dinah? Hit the comments and we'll see you soon!

If you need a refresher, you can watch DIG online right here via TV Fanatic!

Trust No One Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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DIG Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

All I know is someone who knows you is giving them specific information.


Peter: My daughter had red hair. You look like her. That's why they chose you. She passed away.
Emma: I'm so sorry.