Supernatural Season 10 Episode 19 Review: The Werther Project

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Sam and Rowena teaming up?

It seemed like such a bad idea when we first saw Sam go to the witch mother of Crowley in Supernatural Season 10 Episode 18. Like really bad and plenty dangerous.

And yet, I was willing to go with it.

No, not because I wanted to see Rowena shoved back into the main plot, but rather, I guess I was able to believe that Sam would go to such risky and extreme lengths to help his brother.

I knew there would be consequences. There always are for moves like that, and throughout the course of Supernatural Season 10 Episode 19, it seemed like we were seeing some major negatives from Sam’s plan.

But I loved how we learned at the very end that Sam wasn’t jumping into an agreement with Rowena blindly. He had a plan and that meant only helping with the Mark, not just giving Rowena free reign to use the Book of the Damned or the codex.

Now, Dean still doesn’t know what Sam is really up to, and I’m sure there’s still plenty of ways everything can go sideways (locking up Rowena is not going to make her besties with Sam), but I was pleased that Sam had a plan.

But will he really kill Crowley? Can he?

He seemed pretty sure of holding his end of the bargain, and Crowley is a bad guy, but I’m really trying to imagine how everything is going to go smoothly by the end. (Let’s be real, it’s probably not going to go as planned.)

Still though, I really liked the emphasis on the brothers teaming up and working together.

Yes, Dean was able to take out a slew of vamps on his own, and Sam was willing to deal with the super magical killing box all on his own. But time and again, we’ve seen how much better the brothers are when they are working together.

The case was certainly a chilling one with the mass suicides (very graphic in this episode), and the way the magic affected each of the people played with everyone’s perceptions.

Dean’s was interesting in that it dealt with Benny (liked seeing him again) and Purgatory, and even ending himself. At the same time, Dean was pretty focused on it all being his mind playing tricks on him. So it was great to see him break free from that spell and keep fighting through it all.

But even I was caught by surprise that Sam was caught up in the magic as well, with "Rowena" coming to his aid. It was heartbreaking to see him willing to bleed out to get that box open so he could maybe, possibly have a way to save his brother.

It really made the moment when Dean found him, and was just as quick to help Sam out by using his own blood, that much more affecting. He was there for Sam, and they were able to get that box open.

It was even great to hear Dean acknowledge how well they work together as a team in the car right after. I just wish something like that might nudge Sam into letting him in on his big plan…

This was a really engaging episode that combined a scary case of the week with some Men of Letters lore, Sam’s deal with Rowena, some major brother moments, and a solid ending that had a nice little twist.

Now let's just hope Sam's plan truly works out!

What did you think of the episode? Will Sam’s plan work? Sound off below, and watch Supernatural online for every scary and action-packed moment.

And here is your first look at Supernatural Season 10 Episode 20, "Angel Heart."

The Werther Project Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (22 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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