Stitchers Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Fire in the Hole

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Cake can make everything better!

On ​Stitchers Season 1 Episode 8, they proved just how awesome this show can be. This was, by far, the best episode of the season. Not only were all of the characters fleshed out, but the team grew closer and more into a family. Everyone had to work together to survive, and it was a true nail biter. Even Detected Fisher made a return!

Let's not waste any time and discuss the events of, "Fire in the Hole."

Did they really think they'd be able to get away with a surprise party for Kirsten? Kirsten is the last person on earth who would be happy about a surprise party. Camille and Linus had the right idea to go ahead and have the cake anyway. Not a huge shocker to learn Kirsten doesn't make birthday wishes.

Kirsten was trying so hard to keep the secret of Liam proposing between her and Camille, but of course it would backfire. Remember people, if you're wearing a headset and you have a secret to keep, make sure the headset is in the off position. This may have been the first time Kirsten has ever shown true mortification.


Camille: So?
Kirsten: Context, please.
Camille: Liam, what did you tell him when he proposed?
Kirsten: I told him I needed to think about it.
Camille: Smart move. No sense at all in committing to the one guy on the planet who loves impossible you exactly as you are. What do you think you're going to tell him?
Kirsten: I'm not sure, and assuming you haven't blabbed to everyone here, don't say anything. I haven't told anyone else that Liam proposed.

Why would they bring a body that had been exposed to a deadly virus into the lab? You'd think they would have weighed the pros and cons about bringing in said body and deciding not to stitch. Of course Les would be more concerned about Kirsten staying alive instead of the entire team. Why does he care so much about Kirsten? 

Maggie gets credit for at least trying to put Kirsten in isolation, but she knew Kirsten would never agree to it. Kirsten has never been one to roll over and do what someone else tells her to do. At least Maggie didn't bother fighting her on it – no sense in fighting a losing battle.

Speaking of Maggie, she really won me over. Maybe it's because the team was infected, but she seemed to show her human side. Maggie even managed to crack a couple smiles and proved she does care about the people on her team. You also can't blame her for basically giving up on trying to find a cure – it did seem pretty hopeless. 

Not only did Camille have to deal with being infected by a deadly virus, but she also had a rat jump right on her back. Camille definitely deserves a nice vacation away from deadly diseases and rodents. Kirsten's advice about Camille being more disgusting than the rat was pretty hilarious and it provided Camille with a chance to get her mind off of things.

Camille: There are two things in the world that terrify me: rats and hairy backs.

Linus and Camille proved, yet again, why they are a great couple. Even in the face of death, they can still make each other laugh. When Camille was comforting Linus, and showed her own fears, I couldn't help but tear up. 

The entire sequence of Maggie, Cameron and Linus calling the people they love and to say goodbye was utterly heartbreaking. They did a phenomenal job writing and directing the entire scene – you couldn't help but cry right along with them. At least Kirsten was still willing to put forth the effort to find a cure and not give up.

While it's great Maggie finally gave Kirsten some truth about her family, you know she isn't telling her the entire story. 

Kirsten: Am I interrupting?
Maggie: No. Actually I'm glad you're here, I have something for you.
Kirsten: What?
Maggie: [handing Kirsten half of a photograph] Your birthday present.
Kirsten: This is my present?
Maggie: [handing over the other half of the photograph] No, this is your present.
Kirsten: You knew my mother?
Maggie: I worked with her when I was first administrating the stitchers program.
Kirsten: But she never worked at the program.
Maggie: She did. In fact your mother was one of the original designers of our technology along with Ed.
Kirsten: And my father.
Maggie: Kirsten, Ed and your mother were the real visionaries behind stitchers.
Kirsten: [shaking her head] But that's not.
Maggie: [interrupting Kirsten] What you were lead to believe, I know. The reality is that your father couldn't keep up with Ed and your mother and compensated by taking credit for her work after she died.
Kirsten: So your birthday gift to me is to shatter what few beliefs I have about what little I can remember about my past? Oh, you shouldn't have.
Maggie: You've been asking for the truth, now you have it.

Hearing Cameron talk about how precious life is and what he went through as a kid, like having heart surgery, was such an eye opener. Cameron was totally right to tell Kirsten she needs to look at death as a big deal instead of shying away from it. After everything he has gone through, it's no wonder why he would choose to live his life to the fullest. 

Cameron: Here's something you need to get, we might die and that is something you're going to have to face sooner or later. I'm under the impression that dying is kind of a big deal, Kirsten.
Kirsten: Can we just talk about stuff we know about?
Cameron: [getting angry and slamming Kirsten's laptop shut] I know about this. What I was ten years old I have heart surgery. Remember that scar? I needed a valve replaced, the doctor said I had less than a fifty percent change of living. My parents didn't think I'd survive, but when I did they were very grateful, but they were very scared. They didn't want me overexerting myself. The playground? Forget it. Sports? Cameron's too fragile for that, they thought if I overexerted myself that it would kill me. So this scar is a constant reminder of how fragile life is and how fragile my parents thought I was.
Kirsten: Well I think you have proven them wrong, several times over.

In the end, Detective Fisher came through with the cure and Kirsten figured out how to activate it – they needed to raise to heat. By the way, who else is loving Tim? I would totally watch a spin-off of just his character. 

What did you think of "Fire in the Hole"? Did you enjoy how they fleshed out the characters? How great are Linus' parents?

Don't feel bad if you're still behind this season! You can watch Stitchers online now via TV Fanatic, just make sure to come back to let us know what you think.

Next week on Stitchers Season 1 Episode 9, Kirsten finally makes a decision about whether she's going to accept Liam's proposal or not, but will the secrets Liam is keeping prevent her from saying yes? To find out the answer, tune in Tuesday, July 28 at 9/8c.

Fire in the Hole Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Stitchers Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Camille: So?
Kirsten: Context, please.
Camille: Liam, what did you tell him when he proposed?
Kirsten: I told him I needed to think about it.
Camille: Smart move. No sense at all in committing to the one guy on the planet who loves impossible you exactly as you are. What do you think you're going to tell him?
Kirsten: I'm not sure, and assuming you haven't blabbed to everyone here, don't say anything. I haven't told anyone else that Liam proposed.

So we're bringing someone who worked with deadly viruses and died under mysterious circumstances into the lab? What could possibly go wrong?
