Nashville Season 4 Episode 10 Review: We've Got Nothing but Love to Prove

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And here I thought last week was as crazy as it could get for relationship drama on Nashville!

Instead, Nashville Season 4 Episode 10 served up a not one, but two major relationship shifts, another outed country star, and even a custody battle! Everything a midseason finale should be! 


Everybody rejoice because DEACON AND RAYNA ARE FINALLY ENGAGED!!!

This one has been coming for years. And years and years and years. After their adorable hospital vows back in Nashville Season 3 Episode 22, fans have been speculating when Deacon and Rayna would tie the knot for real.

Now that the ring is officially on her finger, it looks like you'll only have to wait for the show to return in March to see their big wedding! That's a pretty quick turn around, but I guess that's what happens when it takes you 20 years to get your act together. 

You were right, that Markus isn't so bad after all.


As far as Deacon and Rayna's big fight, I actually could not be happier that they had it out before Deacon proposed.

This was one of those arguments where no one was entirely in the right, and no one was entirely in the wrong either. Rayna was spending too much time with Markus and neglecting Deacon in the process. Likewise, Deacon wasn't being very supportive of Rayna's career or her label. They were both to stuck on their own feelings to see the other point of view.

Acknowledging both sides of the argument was a great way to let this fight play out. I feel like I say this every week, but Nashville has done a great job of rooting its crazy drama in real, human moments like this. 

Another real moment came when Avery had to decide whether or not to let Juliette back into Cadence's life.

Juliette was, is, and always will be Cadence's mother. And there's not a legal document in the world that can change that.


Nashville has been doing a pretty solid job of keeping Juliette in the narrative of the show without really being able to show her while Hayden Panetierre is out of commission. This installment was no different, as Avery fought with basically everyone besides Juliette about Juliette's need to restore her bond with Cadence.

While other couples on the show were taking steps forward, one couple took the big step back and broke up.

Scarlett and Caleb are no more.

As expected, Caleb couldn't really hack it, being the only 'normal' guy in Scarlett's whirlwind life. Even worse, Scarlett was the one to break things off when she realized she didn't love him enough to put his happiness above hers. I'd love to say I'm surprised that Caleb took it so poorly, but I'm just not.

That guy has had 'selfish tool' tattooed on his forehead since day one.

Friends? We're more than friends, we're partners.


Scarlett and Gunnar fans will be pleased to note that she had this realization after Gunnar was willing to let her move to Seattle if it was what she wanted. Those two crazy kids are bound to get together one of these days.

Finally, let's talk about Will.

Will has had a rough go of it so far this season. Coming out, breaking up with his super studly boyfriend, and now battling with an incredibly homophobic country music community. Seeing Wade's fake, hypocritical life up close finally helped him see the light though. Being a closeted country music star for the rest of his life was not something Will could have ever lived with. 

I think it took Will a little too long to have this huge revelation, but now that he's had it, hopefully he can move forward. Or maybe backward? Kevin might still be single! 

Other Thoughts:

  • Luke is hung out to dry with nothing and no one; good riddance.
  • Maddie and her new BFF Cash are going to get into trouble, I can just tell.
  • Can we still keep Markus? I liked him.
  • Where, oh where is Layla?

You can catch the midseason finale via TV Fanatic when watch Nashville online.

We've Got Nothing but Love to Prove Review

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Nashville Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

I have to admit, I didn't think he'd pull it off, but he's good.


Friends? We're more than friends, we're partners.
