American Crime Season 2 Episode 1 Review: It Begins

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The one thing I absolutely love about American Crime is they aren't afraid to go there with their storylines.

It comes as no surprise that American Crime Season 2 Episode 1, involved a storyline dealing with sexual assault on a male victim giving viewers another perspective of the subject matter and brought up a lot of questions. Why don't we see more stories, portrayed on TV, about male sexual assault?

Let's not waste anymore time and discuss, "Season Two: Episode One." 

To see the pain in Taylor's face when he's trying to convince Anne he never should have gone to school was heartbreaking. It was an honest portrayal of how a teenager would view themselves after an assault. To Taylor, he wasn't looking at this as a crime, but as more of an embarrassment for himself.

Of course the sexual undertones were extremely prevalent throughout the entire hour, from one of the boys talking in the locker room about wanting to rape a girl to Kevin attempting to have sex with his girlfriend. It certainly was a rather realistic look at how many teenagers view sex.

Speaking of sexual undertones, I was relieved when it was revealed Coach Dan took the video of Becky, who turned out to be his daughter, to discuss her behavior with his wife. It's nice to see a couple wanting to discuss what their child is doing in school to rectify her behavior; though I imagine something terrible is going to happen to her down the line.

Going back to Taylor, I don't blame Anne for going to Evy to find out what happened to her son. This is a mother who was at the end of her ropes and needed to get answers. Evy was able to provide a much clearer picture of what happened to Taylor even though it was terrible to hear. 

I knew the moment Anne confronted Taylor about the pictures the truth of what happened would come out. It was difficult listening to Taylor discuss what happened the night the pictures were taken, but what really got me was Anne's reaction. She wanted so badly to believe someone would be there to help her child when he was in need, but no one was there for him.

The entire scene became even more heart wrenching when Taylor struggled to get the words out about the sexual assault. When Anne tearfully embraced Taylor, I couldn't help but shed a few tears myself.

It wasn't completely shocking to learn, after Anne went to Leslie about the sexual assault allegations, Dan would be defensive about his team. He's an idiot to think if something happened he would know about it.

Those guys know, if something terrible came out, they would be thrown off the team and sent to jail or put on probation. Most teenagers aren't going to be upfront about the things they do in their spare time, especially when it comes to what happens at parties.

What made the entire thing absolutely infuriating was when Leslie basically gave the ones accused more respect then Taylor. Anne had every reason to get angry, and I don't blame her for demanding what was going to happen to those boys. Leslie only made matters worse by calling the assault bizarre – what's bizarre about a teenage boy getting raped? 

In the end, it was revealed Anne was the one who made the phone call to the police and reported the rape. It's pretty clear things are really going to start coming out about what happened the night of the party, and I can definitely see more victims coming forward.

What do you think happened at the party? Do you think Anne was right in going to the police without Taylor knowing? Do you see more victims coming forward?

Don't feel bad if you missed out! You can watch American Crime online now via TV Fanatic anytime. Just make sure to come back to let us know what you think. 

On American Crime Season 2 Episode 2, Anne tries to get help for her and Taylor when the police don't pay attention to the case. Meanwhile, Leslie tries to keep things in order and stay ahead of the investigation. Will she be able to keep the case under wraps? 

2.1 Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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