Killjoys Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Wild, Wild Westerley

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In typical Killjoys fashion, a ton of stuff went down during this action-packed hour.

However, it's safe to say that Killjoys Season 2 Episode 2 was all about returning home and to the rest of the gang missing from the premiere. As Michelle Lovretta teased in our exclusive interview, "It's the beginning of really emotionally, I think, compelling and classic science fiction type storylines."

I'm still bummed about how Hills went out, but I think Jelco is a brilliant adversary.

Pawter Is Still Fighting - Killjoys

Was that mirror bit at the top a hint there are multiple Dutch's out there? Clones? Alvis mentioned that scarbacks hadn't stepped foot on Arkyn for over 200 years. So how did D'av see Dutch killing them in that "very old memory"?

Is it possible Khlyen (via the green-goo) was implanting memories in D'av or is their some truth to what he saw? What the hells is going on, guys? So many cool new questions and we're only a couple of episode into Killjoys Season 2.

Johnny's nervous tick at the RAC was a fun callback to Killjoys Season 1.

The moment I saw Turin in the "previously on" opening I had a feeling he was alive. Still, you've got to wonder how he survived Khlyen's sword through the midsection.

Did Khlyen intentionally miss every single major organ so he'd survive? Or is it possible there are nanites in his system? I know I know, he hadn't healed completely, but perhaps they are slower working nanites? Who knows, right?

Either way, I'm just thrilled Turin survived. Creator Michelle Lovretta told me, "I always love the reappearing, you thought they were gone characters."

In a section I left out of our recent chat to avoid spoilers prior to the episode airing, Michelle explained "It's always got to be organic and its got to make sense. With Turin it made sense, because he was a villain. He remains somebody who has an adversarial spirit with Dutch, but to have them both on the same side is of value to us and to the show."

"Not only is he a great character, played by a fabulous actor, but he has history and he has access to stuff that Dutch doesn't. We see as the episodes go on, what Turin can provide to our team in terms of access and a bit of a shield."

That scene at the RAC was just terrific, especially how easily D'avin was officially reinstated as a Killjoy. "Keep your enemy close, all that shit" Turin said.

D'avin: Now we need a warrant for Old Town.
Turin: Can I cook you breakfast too?
Johnny: We need to get a friend back inside The Company's Wall. We can't do that without a warrant.
Turin: We actually got one active warrant in Old Town and you don't want it.
Dutch: We'll take it.
Turin: Your funeral.

Another one of my favorite scenes took place at The Wall. I love you Wall! Not only did the thing look amazing, visual effects-wise, but Johnny's excitement was hilarious.

Then The Wall identified Pree as Prima Dezz *Warlord* and I nearly lost my shit. Not only have they figured out a wonderful way of fleshing out the character, but with each episode Thom Allison gets better material really allowing him to shine. Yeah, Pree is everything!

Great protagonists demand an equally phenomenal villain. With Khlyen lingering in that "gray area" more than ever, the writers introduced a new big bad this episode.

How about that Liam Jelco, eh? The moment he shot Hills in the head (no resurrection for him), Jelco solidified his role as the new character we love to hate. While he probably won't survive the season, Pascal Langdale is going to be a blast to watch.

Something about him (not just the accent) was totally reminiscent of Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars. The cocky confidence and sadistic pleasure he took tormenting our heroes might have something to do with it.

Jelco gave the Killjoys their mission, and while it seemed they were going to be quite busy chasing eight escaped criminals... They quickly learned most were killed at Westhole via a Company mummifying-gas. Eeek! Well, all except the dude that blew his brains out at the Royale and Tarren Tighmon, a political activist.

I will say, while I enjoyed the episode overall the warrant itself was a little disappointing.

For me, returning to Old Town and the Royale, plus catching up with old friends like Alvis, Pawter and Hills is really what this episode was all about.

Hills: They called it the Aridity Solution. There is no surviving it, don't think. You breathe it in, you die. No, you dry up then you die.
Dutch: It's good to see you Hills.

So, Tighmon returned to Westhole to grab some weapons as well as a spare tank of that mummifying-gas... yeah not good.

Naturally, Alvis and Tighmon went way back and I did like that the activist's words forced the monk into action. It might not have been the best choice, but it showed the character's desperation in that moment. When Alvis breathed the stuff in, I kept remembering Pawter say, "You'd have to swallow a lake."

Would we lose Alvis, after Hills was just so cruely executed on the show? You know, for a "fun" TV series Killjoys can get pretty damn dark, yet somehow it all works.

Luckily, Alvis' story's far from over and by the end of the hour he was back on team Killjoys. I have it on good authority that we will be visiting a scarback monastery this season and will learn much more about the scarbacks. Bring it on guys, I'm ready for more Alvis.

The fact our trio led Jelco straight to Tighmon was an interesting turn of events. He basically used them as tracking dogs to locate and kill Tighmon. Clever. Then he turned on them big time. Man, what a piece of work Jelco is. I hate him, but I also can't wait to see what his next move is.

Clearly, Alvis could not take the villain out this early in the game. Jelco's going to inflict some serious pain.

Pree staying behind at The Royale was a good sign the bar will once again be homebase this season. I was a bit worried about that. Like he said...

The Royale is the heart of this town. There's a beat to it. And the people of Old Town, they're its blood. They stumble in here weak and flow out stronger... and drunker, but more hopeful. More alive.


Ultimately, Alvis came around and I'm glad he's all in to learn the truth about Arkyn, the Sixes and the green-goo.

I will say, that while I love Luke Macfarlane as an actor, I wasn't fond of D'avin last season. His selflessness act of saving Alvis' life and his new place on the team feels good. It's okay to like D'av now without taking anything from the Dutch/John relationship. Plus, John's got Pawter now. Btw loved that kiss!

Will D'avin understanding Khlyen's point of view better cause animosity among the team? I just hope his arc is more balanced than last season. I want to continue liking D'av and from what I understand the writers will deliver on that.

Did anyone else find the final moments with Turin a little odd? Perhaps it was the quick cut and finale song choice. Clearly the RAC was compromised all along, but I was surprised to learn that RED 17's gone. Did Khlyen's people really bomb it, or was it The Black Root? I agree with Michelle Lovretta, that having Dutch and Turin on the same side is of value to the show. I can't wait to learn more, can you?

Anyone else miss Khlyen and Fancy this week? Hopefully they make a return real soon.

Well, that's it for me. What did you think of "Wild, Wild Westerley"? Was The Wall your favorite moment, or Pree getting his bar back? Are you glad Alvis had a change of heart? Can Turin be trusted? You're up, hit the comments below and share your thoughts!

As always, you can watch Killjoys online anytime via TV Fanatic. Honestly, one viewing's never enough for me. Then go catch it at to help with the ratings.

NOTE: Killjoys Season 2 Episode 3 is titled "Shaft" and airs on July 15.

Wild, Wild Westerley Review

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Killjoys Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Hills: They called it the Aridity Solution. There is no surviving it, don't think. You breathe it in, you die. No, you dry up then you die.
Dutch: It's good to see you Hills.

D'avin: Now we need a warrant for Old Town.
Turin: Can I cook you breakfast too?
Johnny: We need to get a friend back inside The Company's Wall. We can't do that without a warrant.
Turin: We actually got one active warrant in Old Town and you don't want it.
Dutch: We'll take it.
Turin: Your funeral.