Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 11 Review: Graveyard Shift

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Okay, I definitely did not see that coming. 

I'm guessing most of us were probably thinking the mystery patient was going to be an ambassador or some other high-up official, that is, until the word "zoo" started being tossed around. 

Seriously though, did we really just watch these doctors operate on a panda on Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 11?

The Mystery Patient - Chicago Med

Yup, we did, and it was pretty darn ridiculous. 

I mean, there are just sooo many questions that need to be addressed.  

First of all, does Chicago even have giant pandas? I believe they're only in DC, San Diego, Memphis, and Atlanta. 

Of course, Chicago not having giant pandas is obviously not what makes this story unbelievable. I mean, how do you sterilize an OR after operating on a panda? 

For someone who is usually such a stickler for the rules, it was a little surprising Sharon had no issues at all with bringing a zoo animal into the hospital. We're not talking about a service animal here. No one is getting approval for a panda as an emotional support animal anytime soon (though, that would be pretty awesome). 

I don't know about you guys, but I was having flashbacks to Grey's Anatomy Season 4 Episode 1 when Izzy went all out to save that deer.

I live in the DC area, and we love our pandas here, but I can't picture ever turning on the news and finding out one underwent successful surgery at a local hospital. 

Connor: I'm not a veterinarian.
Ethan: She needs a cardio-thoracic surgeon.
Sharon: You've done this procedure many times.
Connor: Well, yeah, I have, on human beings.
Ethan: Same plumbing, just bigger. Crack her chest and plug the hole.
Connor: I can't just crack her chest, she'll lose too much blood, and what am I suppose to transfuse with? Do we have panda in the blood bank?

Honestly though, Connor deserves some serious props. He got called in on his night off – a night where he had fancy plans – and put his all into saving that panda. Sure it took a little convincing in the beginning, but that's an experience he'll remember forever. 

Speaking of, can we see Connor in a tux more often? He cleans up nice. 

Discovering Ethan volunteers at the zoo was a nice touch, if a little random. I don't know how he finds time for it, but all the power to him for trying anyway. 

Animals really are better than humans in a lot of ways. It's hard to argue with his logic. Maybe the panda really is his emotional support animal. 

A few hours ago I lost a kid to a shot. Another one. So much of my work, stabbing, shooting, it's dark man. Worst of human nature. But animals, not to say they don't kill each other, but they don't do it out of malice. They're innocent. They're light.


Okay, other stuff did happen in the episode, so I should probably stop talking about the panda now and address the other storylines that probably no one remembers, because, well, there was a panda. 

Sarah had a rough night. 

Not only did she have to call time of death for the first time and tell the family, but she had to do it THREE times. 

I was a little surprised the nurse had to walk her through it, though. I'm no expert, but shouldn't that be taught in med school?

Telling the family their loved one has died is delicate, and no doctor should be thrown to the wolves without proper training. She should have at least seen other doctors do it before.

It was sad that she stayed to keep an eye on her patient, but by the end of the night she basically became an expert on calling TOD, and then had to declare her own patient dead. 

It wasn't surprising. I think we all probably saw that coming. All of the patients died or were in very bad shape (except the panda), but it was still sad. 

It's no wonder she agreed to therapy after the night she had. I bet her mom will get a kick out of that news. The look on her face when Dr. Charles said he wanted to meet her mom was priceless. Here's hoping that eventually happens. 

We did get some progress on the father/daughter bonding front, which was nice. They're getting somewhere. 

Dr. Latham: Can you explain what that was about?
Sarah: They didn't call you because they don't think you're very good with emotionally distraught people.
Dr. Latham: Thank you for your candor.

The TMS treatment Dr Latham received is looking pretty promising. It was actually kind of adorable that once he decided he wanted it, he couldn't wait to get started. I wonder how much that 3 AM treatment cost him. 

By the results, it was worth every penny. Dr. Charles' hesitations make me worry that the results might be short-lived. It would be devastating to have a breakthrough like that and then have it taken away. 

I'm looking forward to seeing where they take that story line. 

Your turn to hit the comments, because I know you must have something to say about the giant panda, right? 

If you missed it, be sure to watch Chicago Med online and see it for yourself. 

Graveyard Shift Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

What's the troll still doing here? Doesn't he have a bridge somewhere to go home to?

Dr. Wheeler

Connor: I'm not a veterinarian.
Ethan: She needs a cardio-thoracic surgeon.
Sharon: You've done this procedure many times.
Connor: Well, yeah, I have, on human beings.
Ethan: Same plumbing, just bigger. Crack her chest and plug the hole.
Connor: I can't just crack her chest, she'll lose too much blood, and what am I suppose to transfuse with? Do we have panda in the blood bank?