Animal Kingdom Season 2 Episode 10 Review: Treasure

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The adrenaline level was off the charts on Animal Kingdom Season 2 Episode 10  as things got crazy with the yacht heist.

But Baz was busy elsewhere. He took steps to protect himself from Smurf, and he may just have gotten the upper hand.

Boat Job - Animal Kingdom Season 2 Episode 10

If there's one thing you can count on, it's that Animal Kingdom will leave you breathless more times than not. This was one of those hours.

Pope was right to question Marco's involvement with the job. Bringing in outsiders was the wrong move, and Marco's lack of control was proof positive that Pope was right.

His nonchalant attitude when he called the job nothing but a "smash and grab" on a boat should have been a warning sign not to include the guy, but it was Craig's job and will be Craig's cross to bear when things hit the fan. And it will.

Every job has gone way too smooth for these guys, and something has to give. Marco isn't going to go away quietly even after his cut. He's going to want to be involved in more jobs and is going to become a big pain for the boys.

There's a reason Baz keeps his distance from Marco.

J: How much?
Baz: A lot. She's been stealing from us for years.
J: You gonna tell the others.
Baz: Well, that money belongs to all of us. Even you. We're family.
J: You should've told me while we were doing it, Baz.
Baz: Well, I didn't know if I could trust you. I guess we're going to find out now.

It was hard not to feel sorry for the boat passengers. Imagine being at a wedding and having this happen? The memories made at this wedding will last forever – except as nightmares. Especially for the mother of the bride whose finger Marco lopped off.

Had Marco not been involved it probably never would have happened, and while Pope was rightfully pissed about it, Pope wasn't very cordial to anyone either. He almost knocked out the crew girl when he pushed her down the stairs, and him telling the groom what a lucky man he was for having such a beautiful bride was over the top. 

Yes, Pope can make any situation weird.

And you have to wonder how soon before he confesses everything to Amy? He can't control his angst anymore and him thinking about Catherine as much as he has been is not a good sign. 

She's beautiful. Congratulations.


And didn't it seem like Marco had a bone to pick with Craig? Him kicking Craig the way seemed unnecessary. He was taking too much pleasure in wreaking havoc, and he's going to get a whole lot of pleasure wreaking havoc on the Cody family.

It reminds me of that guy from Animal Kingdom Season 1 that Pope knew from prison.

The boys might have had a nice celebration at the bar, but something has to be said about the picture Nicky took of the Codys. It could be the last happy picture of them together. It could also be foretelling about Baz's future. He wasn't there, and he might not ever be again if he has his way.

The Pose - Animal Kingdom Season 2 Episode 10

While the heist was going on, Baz was busy damaging Smurf even more than he already has. 

He's lost all and any love and respect he ever had for the woman who took him in, and she knows it.

Even though she's pissed, she's also hurt. Maybe she just doesn't realize that she did this to herself. She made Baz who he is and has tried to take him down slowly, but he decided to fight back, and now he's winning.

He's about to take everything from her.

Baz digging up Javi in the hills to shoot him with Smurf's gun was the final nail in her coffin. He obviously has a plan, and it's surprising that he's thought it out as much as he has. Smurf trained him well.

Not In Control - Animal Kingdom

If only he could give as much thought to Lena. The poor girl is caught int he middle of a tug of war she has no idea is going on. Her grandmother is about to lose it, and her dad has disappeared from her life.

Someone needs to step in and take control. Maybe Baz's plan to move to Mexico will be the right choice, but didn't it seem like he almost forgot about Lena before Lucy brought her up?

Lena might be Baz's downfall. Everyone on this show is going to go down at some point.

Even J who received the kiss of death when Baz told him, "We're family." It was nearly the same thing Smurf told Baz in the desert after killing Javi.

Baz doesn't like J and never has, and it wasn't said in a warm and welcoming way. It was a warning, and J better beware. Baz may be his uncle (or maybe his father), but Baz is definitely not his friend.

The only person Baz cares about is Baz.

"Treasure" was the most intense hour to date and the show's best episode yet. There's plenty of twists and turns the show can take as it winds down for the season. Whatever happens to the Codys, one thing is for certain. It's going to be explosive.

What did you think of "Treasure"? Will Baz get out before Smurf gets to him? What will Nicky think of Craig and Renn? 

What is J's end game? Will Pope confess to Amy?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Animal Kingdom online right here via TV Fanatic.

Treasure Review

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Animal Kingdom Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

She's beautiful. Congratulations.


J: How much?
Baz: A lot. She's been stealing from us for years.
J: You gonna tell the others.
Baz: Well, that money belongs to all of us. Even you. We're family.
J: You should've told me while we were doing it, Baz.
Baz: Well, I didn't know if I could trust you. I guess we're going to find out now.