Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 9 Review: Forever Mine Nevermind

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One step forward and two steps back.

On Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 9, Wynonna made a pact with Doc to end the Earp curse – but not until after the baby is born. Unfortunately, the widow sisters aren't going to be abiding by anyone's timeline.

Meanwhile, Waverly took a spa day with Rosita, and it didn't turn out so well despite a promising beginning.

An Impossible Choice - Wynonna Earp

From the very beginning of Wynonna Earp Season 2, Wynonna's goal has been to rid her family of the Earp curse. It hasn't been an easy task and with her pregnancy, it sort of took a backseat.

That's understandable considering bringing a life into the world is a huge undertaking, and there were so many pieces of that puzzle that needed to be sorted out – and still do.

But we took a big step forward on Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 8 with the vision quest when we learned important information about the history of the curse.

It makes sense that Wynonna wants to break the final seal in order to bring Sheriff Clootie back to life because killing him will be the only way to truly end the curse. If Doc holds onto the ring, there's always the chance the demon could be released by accident.

Holding onto it won't be easy because he'll always have something sinister creeping up on him trying to get the ring.

And why would he want to keep his immortality anyway?

It won't be easy for him to live on while his baby and baby momma die. If the baby is his, that is, and I'm beginning to believe more and more that Baby Earp is really Baby Holliday.

It was absolutely adorable watching them argue the fact. They really do love each other beyond just friends. They just don't realize it, or they choose to ignore it. Age be damned. These two are soulmates. 

But Wynonna had a good point when she said Doc was being selfish by not giving up the ring. He's not being selfish; he's afraid. He's lived so long, the idea of dying terrifies him.

Yet, he realized that what Wynonna was saying was the truth. They have to kill Clootie to free the Earps.

I wasn't necessarily thrilled with the life-sized doll and painting angle of the story. It didn't really make sense other than giving validation to Wynonna's argument about evil forever following Doc around if he kept the ring.

The two finally came to an acceptable compromise, but we know that the widow sisters aren't going to rest until they get the ring, so I wouldn't be surprised if Doc and Wynonna have to destroy it before the baby arrives.

But I do hope they form a plan on how they're going to take on Sheriff Clootie because there's no way they can take him on without some idea of how they're going to do it. 

The guy is supposed to the baddest of badass demons.

Also, wouldn't it make sense to get rid of the rest of the revenants before they unleash Clootie? I can't imagine that Clootie won't summon the revenants to join him when he comes back to town.

Which leads one to wonder how Bobo is going to fit into all this. Once again, the big question becomes will he be friend or foe to Wynonna and company?

Dolls in the Cellar - Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 9

Waverly got very friendly with Rosita in the hot tub at the spa. It was completely unexpected when the two kissed, but for two ladies who were angry with their other halves, it made sense that they would look to each other for some comfort.

It surprised them as well, but I hope there isn't going to be another love triangle on this show. We already have two. Do we really need three?

But since Waverly believes she's half revenant and Rosita is a revenant, they're already headed in that direction. 

Secrets are never good. That's how Wayhaught got into trouble in the first place.

It would be better if we could just have a happy and healthy Wayhaught. There's so much other dysfunction on the show; why can't we have one relationship that sticks?

Granted I'm just speculating, but how can you not after the developments of this hour?

What do you guys think?

Dolls made a shocking discovery when he learned the Gardner sisters were really the widow sisters. Poor Jeremy was no help so it's up to Dolls to get the information to Wynonna – if he gets out of the cellar alive, that is.

And I must've missed something because I don't quite understand why Mercedes ended up at Nicole's place. Why did the rings direct her there? Was she looking for Waverly?

What did you think of "Forever Mine Nevermind"? Were you surprised about Rosita's reveal? What about Waverly's thoughts about being half revenant? Will the widow sisters get the ring before Wynonna has the baby?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Wynonna Earp online right here via TV Fanatic!

Forever Mine Nevermind Review

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Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Wynonna: Sorry I was a no show.
Rosita: Just try not to miss the actual birth.
Wynonna: Can I do that?
Rosita: Physically impossible.
Wynonna: Figure it out, slacker. I thought you were good.
Rosita: Oh, I'm phenomenal.

With a great belly comes great responsibility.