For The People Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Everybody's a Superhero

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Well now. 

For The People Season 1 Episode 6 certainly had it all, right? A man trying (and failing) to be a vigilante on the streets of New York, a man being prosecuted for stealing items that were sent to Cordoba and oh, wait, a new love interest for Kate Littlejohn. 

What works really well with this show is that it manages to move between the cases without making the hour feeling disjointed. 

A Peculiar Client - For The People

Captain Shadow was hilarious, and I loved watching every moment of Sandra trying to get the upper hand on Leonard in the courtroom. Leonard's tenacity knows no bounds, so it was pretty much a given that he would be going after Sandra in a big way. 

I was glad that Sandra managed to garner a small victory in the case. Her client could have been sent away for several years. Can we just talk about how ridiculous his costume was?

Related: For The People Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Welcome to the Mother Court!

If he showed up to save me, I would probably run the other way. He's no superhero. He's just a deluded man who thinks he has the power to make big changes. 

The case served as some light comic relief from the one Allison was working on. 

Knowing Arturo became a pirate and stole relief items from a hurricane-ravaged country made me immediately dislike him, but "Everybody's a Superhero" taught not to judge a book by its cover. 

Leonard Takes on Sandra - For The People Season 1 Episode 6

Arturo was a man who was trying to provide for his family, and although it seemed like he went a little far with his plan, he got a happy ending in the end. 

The way Arturo was being paraded around in shackles as though he is one of the most dangerous people in the world was downright bizarre, but the U.S. government had made its mind up about him. 

I appreciated that Allison managed to get all the facts to win the case before it was too late. She was on the fence about him from the get-go. 

Jill knew that Allison would excel with the case, and that's likely why she gave it to her at the top of the hour. Unlike some bosses who want to pigeonhole their employees, Jill is all about giving them cases that will challenge everything they think they know about the world of law. 

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What For The People has going for it is that the cases are genuinely engaging and manage to blend the perfect mix of drama, humor, and vibrant characters together into one compelling package. 

Did anyone else see that kiss between Kate and Anya coming a mile off? Both actresses played their roles well, and there was an instant attraction the moment they met each other. 

If you watch For The People online, you will already know that Kate has been pining for Leonard since For The People Season 1 Episode 1, but Anya may turn out to be exactly who Kate's looking for. 

Anya has appeared in just one episode, and she was a delight. Her one-liners, charisma, and knack for going after what she wants are enjoyable to watch. 

My one true hope is that this doesn't develop into a love triangle because Leonard is going to be mad that the woman he likes has moved on with someone else. 

Hi, I'm Anya! - For The People Season 1 Episode 6

In fact, there wasn't really anything to move on from, but Leonard is one of those multi-layered characters who seeks validation at every turn. 

Will he be able to move past it, or is Anya just an obstacle for Kate making her way to Leonard? I will say that Kate has way more chemistry than she ever did with Leonard. 

Given that we have just a handful of episodes left, and the real possibility that the series is getting canceled, we had better leave these characters in a good place. 

Related: For The People Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Rahowa

The most significant difficulty with watching new shows is that they are axed pretty swiftly if they don't pull in the ratings expected of them. 

It's difficult to anticipate what ABC expects when it buries a show in the Tuesday death slot, For The People Season 1 is averaging just 3 million viewers and a 0.7 rating. 

OK. That's all I got, For The People Fanatics. What are your thoughts on the cases? Did you like the addition of Anya? Will Leonard flip out when he learns about the new relationship?

Hit the comments below. 

For The People returns Tuesday, May 1 on ABC. 

Everybody's a Superhero Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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For The People Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Sandra: The cable guy came.
Allison: What?
Sandra: The swapped out the equipment, they upgraded us, we now have a download speed of one gigabit per second.

Jill: He's being charged with piracy.
Allison: Piracy?
Jill: The sentence is life in prison.