Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 21 Review: The Answer to the Riddle is Seen

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No Adam, no problem.

The ongoing organized-crime storyline was but an afterthought on Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 21. And the episode was better off for it. 

Instead, we got a fun guest star and a cold case, which was a winning combination.

Harry Langford Needs Help - Hawaii Five-0

Harry Langford was back, still trying to find himself in his retirement years after leaving Mi6.

When Harry last visited Oahu on Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 3, he was making a living as a high-stakes gambler while hanging out with his girlfriend, Veronique.

This time out, he's providing security for British royals Lady Helena and her rebellious daughter, Lady Sophie.

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Actually, it takes Harry, McGarrett, and Danny to attempt to keep track of Sophie, who was one entitled hellion.

This was an excellent episode for Danny, as he provided comic relief whenever he was on screen. He seemed to have a perpetual smirk going as Sophie caused all kinds of turmoil.

I know we only get Scott Caan in about two-thirds of the episodes, but as long as he makes it count as he did in this one, that's OK.

Cyber Sleuth - Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 21

It was funny how Danny, thanks to having his own teenage daughter, was most in tune with Sophie. He could put together an outfit for her. He knew enough to bring snacks on a shopping trip. He could track her down with social media. 

But it was a good thing that Lady Helena had a sense of humor when Danny asked about her place in line for the throne. As soon as Sophie made her entrance, it was clear she was going to be trouble for Harry and his friends from Five-0.

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Poor McGarrett and Danny, who thought they were just meeting up with Harry to go out to lunch. Sophie had other ideas.

I would have thought even lesser royals would have had it drilled into their heads as to why security was essential to them.

But I guess teens will be teens, not wanting adults to cramp their style.

It was great to watch Harry turned loose, tossing a bouncer in the pool here, deleting a paparazzi's photos there. It was like watching McGarrett having no regulations to have to follow.

Party Crasher - Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 21

It's like two, two, two Steves in one episode.

And didn't that cool accent give his threats that much more weight?

There were two standout scenes in this case. One was Sophie's snarky friend Carlotta shooting down three law-enforcement personnel purely with attitude. Finally, they got her to understand that Sophie on her own, unprotected, was a bad thing.

Related: Watch Hawaii Five-0 Online: Season 8 Episode 20

Then, there was the scene on the boat, when the villain asked Harry where his backup was, and his henchman went flying off the top deck. A quick burst of action and Sophie got rescued. Still, she kept calm and carried on, despite the close call.

Frankly, I didn't pick up on all the subtle clues that Danny did to recognize that Harry was Sophie's father. I just thought he was very conscientious doing his job.

Hey, I just thought of something: Danny and McGarrett were together, and the restaurant didn't come up. How is that possible? All the writers letting it die a quiet death?

Final Attack - Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 21

Then there was the other case, with Grover mentoring Tani and Junior. It was lower key, but still effective.

I was amazed that Junior was able to locate and use a Betamax player. That had to be older than he was.

How realistic was it that Tani and Junior were able to locate the exact motel room shown on the tape, with the tens of thousands of rooms on Oahu? I'd say that required a healthy suspension of disbelief.

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It was a decent opportunity for Grover to explain to Tani that sometimes there is no closure, but instead, it's justice for the victim. They did get to close the cold case, which was important.

Danny pointed out the connection that wasn't commented on previously: that Adam headed back to the mainland on the same day Noriko washed up dead. I'm hoping they don't end up going there.

With Ian Anthony Dale off filming Salvation Season Two, I'm figuring the organized-crime storyline, and the mystery of who killed Noriko, won't return until the season finale. There's been too much invested in it not to wrap it up.

And even though Hawaii Five-0 has been renewed for Season 9, no one wants this storyline dragged out over the summer. Finish it this season!

Also, we need closure on the restaurant storyline, even if that just means putting a fork in it.

To catch up on both storylines, watch Hawaii Five-0 online.

Were you glad to see Harry again? How did you like seeing McGarrett and Danny in supporting roles? What do you think of Tani and Junior as a team? Comment below.

Ahuwale ka nane huna (The Answer to the Riddle is Seen) Review

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Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.

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Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 21 Quotes

McGarrett: GIve me a cracker! Give me a cracker!
Danny: No, mine!

How many people have to die before you become queen?

Danny [to Lady Helen]