Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Day of the Viper

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"He was a good man. Like you."

Well, if that doesn't seal the deal right there about a Higgins/Magnum romance in bloom, I don't know what does.

We didn't get to learn a whole lot about Higgins' former fiance, Richard, on Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13, but we did learn that his murder devastated her.

A Romance in the Making - Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13

When she had the opportunity to learn the identity of the man responsible for his murder, she called on the one person Higgins knew she could depend on -- Magnum.

Although he had a new pending case, he came up with a creative way to both satisfy his new client and help Higgins.

Even if Rick hadn't helped him out, Magnum would have given up the simple surveillance gig because he will always put Higgins first. No matter what.

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Magnum and Higgins have a lot in common when it comes to affairs of the heart. 

Both have had their hearts broken in a significant way. Both have put a protective shield around their hearts. And now it seems that each holds the key to unlock each other's heart.

Even Rick recognized something was going on between those two. He didn't have to leave Magnum's pad when Higgins showed up, but it was clear he didn't want to be a third wheel.

Celebrating - Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13

And who knows? Maybe Magnum has talked to Rick and TC about Higgins and the possibility of romance. But even if he didn't, those guys know how it works, and they know Magnum.

Some fans think a Magnum/Higgins romance is a bad idea. It would change the dynamic and direction of the show, but I don't think it would be such a bad thing. 

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They're both capable of separating personal from professional, and that's how I see it working when it finally happens.

But their romance is going to go the will they/won't they route for some time. I'm going to guess that a full-blown romance won't happen until the end of the series.

Higgins on Fire - Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13

Who cares if it's entirely predictable? It's still going to be a lot of fun watching it progress.

It was clear when Ian arrived at the estate that he was up to no good. Although it was never mentioned (unless I missed it), it seems plausible that he shot himself to gain Higgins' sympathy.

He also knew that any mention of the Viper would send Higgins into a frenzy, which it did.

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I thought he was going to tell Higgins the reason he killed Richard was that he, himself, was in love with her. It didn't turn out that way.

I loved that TC assisted Magnum not only with getting the real Gomez out of the way but also coming to his aid after Magnum and Higgins got arrested at the embassy.

Heading to the Embassy - Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13

But it makes me wonder how Rick and TC get any of their work done with how much they help out Magnum. 

Still, I like the idea of there being more Rick and TC on every episode than less.

I do have to point out some plot holes, though. With all the security happening at the embassy after Higgins and Magnum got arrested, for them to get back into the embassy without anyone seeing them was implausible.

You'd think after TC stole the police vehicle that the cops would have contacted the embassy somehow about the escaped prisoners which would have put the embassy at an even higher alert than it already was.

And considering the high alert status, it didn't make sense that Higgins and Magnum were able to engage in a gunfight with Ian without anyone noticing. Also, wouldn't have there been security around Jing since he was the cause of the alert in the first place? He was there in his room with no protection whatsoever.

All the above didn't take away from the fun of the episode, but they were obvious holes that can't get ignored.

Getting a Drink - Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13

Rick pretending to Magnum for the surveillance case was hilarious. He took it to a whole other level with his dress including using Magnum's hat and his sunglasses.

And it's not surprising that he screwed up the job because that's just what Rick does. 

He didn't do it purposely, but since he had no idea what he was doing, it was inevitable.

At least he straightened things out with the boyfriend, even convincing the kid not to throw away a romance that might be the romance of his life.

Rick's adventures perfectly balanced the seriousness of Higgins' quest, and it's another example of what makes this show work.

Over to you!

What did you think of "Day of the Viper"?

Is the Higgins/Magnum romance inevitable? When will it come to fruition?

Should Rick try his hand again at being a PI?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Magnum P.I. online right here via TV Fanatic!

Day of the Viper Review

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Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Funny. That's the Juliet I know. This majordomo living in paradise. That's a stranger to me.

Higgins' Friend

Solving a case is like solving a jigsaw puzzle. You gotta have patience but once that first piece fits then that whole jigsaw puzzle falls into place.
