Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11 Review: I'm Sorry

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There were lots of characters professing they were sorry on Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11, but one was the most heartfelt and heartbreaking.

It was Ralph Angel breaking up with Deesha.

A Serious Conversation - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11

As much as I've enjoyed Deesha, and I love how she accepts and respects Ralph Angel, I've always questioned how long this relationship was going to last. 

When Ralph Angel slipped out of bed to talk to Darla on the phone after making love to Deesha for the first time, that was the beginning of the end. 

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Ralph Angel not only ran to Darla after her relapse, but he broke off his date with Deesha to do so and then didn't see her again until their kids had a play date. 

It was clear at that point that this romance was on seriously shaky ground. 

Deesha Makes a Move - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 8

Ralph Angel: Look, Deesha, you are an amazing woman. I just, I just wish…
Deesha: You didn’t have other obligations?
Ralph Angel: I guess. They ain’t even obligations. I can just see now that if she’s hurting, I’m hurting. If she bleed, I bleed. I ain’t even sure it’s much of a choice at this point but I’m still in love with Darla.
Deesha: What you just said is one of the most beautiful things a man can say to a woman but I’m not the woman you’re talking about and I respect myself too much to play second fiddle.
Ralph Angel: You deserve more than that.
Deesha: I know I do but I wish you well, Ralph Angel. Blue and Darla too.

That is the way grown-ups handle a breakup, or at least it's the way they should. 

There was no crying or yelling, no name-calling or finger-pointing. Just two people being honest about their feelings and having enough respect for one another to move on in peace.

Deesha even said she'd make sure their kids could still get together regularly. Now that's the sign a good parent and a good person. 

But Darla has a lot of work to do on herself before she and Ralph Angel can dive into any kind of romance and they both seem to know it. 

Comforting Darla - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11

Darla is working with her sponsor and working her steps to get back on the right course. She's taking care of herself so she can take care of Blue and that's important.

But it's clear that having Ralph Angel stand by her through all of this has given her hope for their future.

Ralph Angel: The thing is, nobody tell you that loving somebody could hurt so much. Always terrified of losing all the things you pray for.
Darla: I pray for you. I still do. I pray that you could forgive me one day.
Ralph Angel: I already told you, I do, and I mean it.
Darla: I mean really forgive me. Forgive me enough to go back to what we had before. Do you think you could ever think about us again?
Ralph Angel: I always do. I don’t think I ever really stopped.

Hopefully, these two take any moves towards romance slowly, both for their sake and for Blue's.

The poor child has been through enough; he doesn't need to live through his parents getting back together only to watch them break up once again. 

Ready For Their Prom - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11

Micah and Keke were headed to their prom, and they both looked gorgeous. 

The Bordelons gathered to take lots of photos and wish them well as the couple headed out to their big night, which didn't go quite as planned. 

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Keke, being a smart young woman, started taking birth control pills six weeks prior to prom after making the decision to take her and Micah's relationship to the next level, but when their friends found out Micah had booked a hotel room for them, she began to have her doubts.

It's one thing to decide to have sex with someone, it's quite another to have it announced to your friends and classmates. 

Micah Shares Bad News - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 10

The storm and the group gathering after prom had gotten canceled led to everyone discussing where they wanted to be in ten years. 

All of Micah's friends had big dreams and plans, but Micah was lost. 

Will Micah end up changing his mind about Harvard? That would crush Charley who has worked hard to give Micah every advantage, and acceptance to Harvard University is the epitome of her efforts.

Micah is at a point in his life where he has lots of choices to make concerning everything from his education, his career, his relationship, and his dreams. 

It will be interesting to see what he chooses next.

Hollywood Looks Content - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11

Hollywood was making his own choices, and they were bold. 

He believes that men should have support groups where they can lead on one another and share what they feel, much like women do, but the men he knows wouldn't be caught dead in one.

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So, he's trying to tweak the concept, make it into a type of social club called The Real Spot, where guys can keep it real. 

It sounds something like a mashup between group therapy and a bar, and it will be curious to see how this all comes together, but he definitely has Violet's backing, which should boost his confidence moving forward. It was so good to see these two smiling and happy once again. 

All Smiles - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11

Elsewhere, Calvin came to New Orleans to help Nova celebrate her birthday, and these two talked about all of the obstacles that had previously ensured their relationship had little chance of success.

It was painful to be away from you but I’d convinced myself that it was my choice. At all times,
I remained in control but I can’t say I was happy.


Calvin was't happy either when he was sneaking out on his wife to be with Nova, but things have changed.

The biggest hurdle for Nova and Calvin now is that they live in different cities, but Calvin was willing to move back to New Orleans and commute to Baton Rouge for his business. 

Reconnecting with Calvin - Tall - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 7

It was his way of committing to a life and a future with Nova, but it was still a little unclear whether she was willing to go all-in with him. 

Calvin: Say yes.
Nova: To what?
Calvin: To us. To happiness.

Finally, Charley and Jacob Boudreaux faced off, but it wasn't in the public debate.

As Charley prepared for the upcoming town hall forum, Jacob tracked her down and told her it was time to give in without a fight, which lead to one of my favorite Queen Sugar quotes...

Charley Plays a Recording - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11

Charley: The arrogance of mediocre white men never ceases to astound me.
Jacob: It’s not arrogance, Charley, it’s power. I told you my family stops at nothing that gets in their way.

But Charley Bordelon has never backed down from a fight in her life and she's not about to do so now with the future of St. Jo's in the crosshairs.

Charley played Jacob the recording on which Jacob's mother called Charley, "nothing more than an upstart Mulato gal trying to be white."

At least Jacob had the good sense to look ashamed.

Charley: You know the difference between you and me? I know my shame and I’ve dealt with my issues. But Jacob, despite the evidence of all of American history, your history, you can’t even acknowledge that your issues around whiteness even exist.
Jacob: How can I be better?
Charley: Drop out of the race?
Jacob: I can’t do that. I want to, I don’t even want to be a councilman but it’s too late for that now.
Charley: Wow. So there’s nothing that you can do.
Jacob: I can promise to work with you once I’m in office.
Charley: No. No, that is not good enough. Do better.
Jacob: I can’t just drop out of the race but maybe I can find a way to make myself unelectable, you know, throw the race.
Charley: I think I can help you with that.

In some ways, Jacob evokes sympathy. Although he's lived a life of incredible wealth and privilege, the price has been that he's never allowed to follow his own path or stand up for himself.

Or you could also look at it as Jacob is weak and easily led, that he chooses to hold onto his entitled life instead of growing a backbone.

Jacob Pleads His Case - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 3

Jacob appears to be going along with Charley's plan to throw the election. 

Will it work the way Charley believes it will? Will Jacob continue to follow Charley's lead instead of kowtowing to his powerful family?

And how far will the Landrys, Boudreauxs, and Old World Energy go to stop Charley Bordelon. 

With only two episodes left, we're bound to find out soon.

Check back in for my review of Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 12 and until then, you can  watch Queen Sugar online here at TV Fanatic.

I'm Sorry Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

Charley: The arrogance of mediocre white men never ceases to astound me.
Jacob: It’s not arrogance, Charley, it’s power. I told you my family stops at nothing that gets in their way.

Nova: We celebrate this young king and queen today not only for their beauty but also for their brains. A round of applause to Keke who’s going to my Tulane University on a full visual arts scholarship…and our dear Micah West who’s taking his talents all the way across the country to Harvard.
Charley: My baby’s going to Harvard!