Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16 Review: Alex in Wonderland

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A world where Alex is Supergirl is a strange one; that is for sure.

After hearing the news of her father's death, Alex lashed out on everyone she loves and used a pair of Obsidian contact lenses to escape from the pain on Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16.

It reminded us that Alex is another woman who is a force to be reckoned with, as is her relationship with Kelly.

Alex - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16

Alex was the star of the hour, and Kara was almost nowhere to be seen -- probably due to the fact that Melissa Benoist was preparing for her directorial debut on Supergirl Season 5 Episode 17.

But it was not unwelcome in the slightest. It was about time for an Alex-centric story, and it did not disappoint.

Alex: The man that I loved hasn't been a father to me in years. And...and yes. Yes we were so close that we could just, we could finish each other's sentences. But his obsession with keeping you safe changed all of it. Nothing else mattered to him, the least of all me.
Kara: That is not true.
Alex: Come on Kara, he treated you like you were some golden girl. And of course you have love for him, and I totally respect that. But he treated me like I wasn't even worth his time.

Grieving from Jeremiah's sudden death, Alex was not exactly the nicest to her loved ones. She was even a bit cruel when all they wanted to do was help.

But it was obvious that interacting with real people was the last thing she needed, so she turned to virtual ones.

Alex Danvers - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16

Alex needed the virtual world to help her overcome her struggles in the real world, even though it made her forget what was reality and what was fake for a little bit.

Alex took on the role of Supergirl and got to save the virtual National City a couple times. It was clear that she was still subconsciously thinking of her father, though, when she had to defeat Hank Crenshaw.

Alex had been burned by Jeremiah a few times throughout the series, and as she pointed out, she had to grieve him multiple times in her life.

His death was sure to cause her major distress, and it was not until she came face-to-face with a younger version of herself -- planted there by Kelly -- that we realized just what was bothering her and why she chose to be Supergirl in the simulation.

Double Alex - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16

Alex had to accept that she could not save her father. Even if she was Supergirl, Jeremiah would still make the same choices, and the outcome would have been the same.

It was heartbreaking to watch Alex struggle with Jeremiah's fate throughout the hour, causing her to enter virtual reality and forget who she really was.

I just found out that my father passed away. He kind of treated me like I was an equal. Especially when it came to taking care of my mother, and definitely when it came to taking care of my sister. And I don't know, I thought it was really cool that he would give me that kind of responsibility, but I look back at it now and I'm, I it is totally unfair that he put all of that on me. I mean, my sister, she can be a handful. So I thought if I came in here, I could just feel some freedom for myself. I could fly around and I could knock things down without anybody being able to stop me. And then I would feel better. But I don't. I mean, not really. Cause, I mean, my dad's still dead. My girlfriend, she's right. I have a lot of things to work through.

But Alex was able to also find some peace and closure in the knowledge that she has so many people who support and love her, and it was amazing to see her overcome her own personal demons.

Alex is a character who, in the past, has been closed off from the world, and she has been slowly opening herself up to others as the seasons go by.

She was able to develop a bit more as she pretended to be Supergirl and confided in Kelly, and we are always here for watching her grow.

Kelly - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16

Kelly proved that she understands Alex almost more than Kara does when she helped Alex escape from her virtual escape gone wrong.

Of course, Kara and Alex share an unbreakable bond as sisters, and they are, by far, the most important dynamic on the show, but it is nice to finally see that Alex is with someone who is one hundred percent right for her.

Alex: I love you. Thank you for not giving up on me.
Kelly: I would never.
Alex: I am so sorry. I was such a jerk. And I pushed J'onn and Kara and you away. You know, I've been so angry at my dad for so long, for abandoning Kara and I, for never reaching out, you know? But as hurt as I've been, I just, I kept thinking that he would come back into our lives someday. And then, you know, I get the news about his death and I just, I just got so mad at everyone. But the reality is that I was just mad at myself. Cause I couldn't save him. And so I felt, I felt hopeless.
Kelly: You are not hopeless. You are a warrior.

Kelly listened to Alex and left her alone, even if Alex was being mean. She knew what she needed and tried to support her in the best way that she could.

Kelly has no flaws at this point, which might be concerning to some, but she is just what Alex needs.

Their love was finally showcased as Kelly helped Alex through her grief, and now we know for sure that they deserve more storylines as the series goes on.

Andrea and Kelly - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16

While wearing the Obsidian contact lenses, Alex realized that some people were trapped inside the virtual reality, forgetting who they really are.

Kelly was also made aware of this when she saw that the failsafe error they had discovered on Supergirl Season 5 Episode 15 had not been fixed, meaning that Leviathan was looking to add to their body count.

When a secret organization is keeping a large number of comatose people in a large storage room, they are most likely up to no good.

The question is, what is their plan in the long run? Why are they trapping people in the virtual world?

At the very least, we know that William and Kelly are on the right track to figuring it all out.

Andrea and Eve - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16

Finally, there has been some progress made with the Leviathan story. It has been teased for awhile now, and it is time for a bit of payoff regarding their end game.

And now that we know that Eve is back to working with them, as Crisis has kept its promise of changing everything, exciting developments are sure to be heading our way.

I don't need anyone to save me. Because I am Supergirl!

All of the villains of Supergirl Season 5 are somewhat being tied together as Lena is working with Lex, Lex is digging into Leviathan, and Leviathan is using Andrea for their own personal gain.

Hopefully all the confusion and muddled storylines throughout this season is made worth it by the end and the writers will have the last laugh.

This hour just proved though that you can have a character centric episode that deals with a personal story, while still moving the overarching story forward. I would have liked for the majority of this season's episodes to do the same.

What did you think Supergirl Fanatics?

Are you in love with Alex and Kelly's love? What is Leviathan doing with the bodies of the VR zombies?

And is William a lot more likable when he is not pursuing Kara?

Let me know in the comments and do not forget that you can watch Supergirl online right here via TV Fanatic!

Supergirl airs on Sundays at 9/8c on The CW.

Alex in Wonderland Review

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Sarah Little was a staff writer for TV Fanatic.She retired in September 2021.

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Supergirl Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

Alex: The man that I loved hasn't been a father to me in years. And...and yes. Yes we were so close that we could just, we could finish each other's sentences. But his obsession with keeping you safe changed all of it. Nothing else mattered to him, the least of all me.
Kara: That is not true.
Alex: Come on Kara, he treated you like you were some golden girl. And of course you have love for him, and I totally respect that. But he treated me like I wasn't even worth his time.

I just found out that my father passed away. He kind of treated me like I was an equal. Especially when it came to taking care of my mother, and definitely when it came to taking care of my sister. And I don't know, I thought it was really cool that he would give me that kind of responsibility, but I look back at it now and I'm, I it is totally unfair that he put all of that on me. I mean, my sister, she can be a handful. So I thought if I came in here, I could just feel some freedom for myself. I could fly around and I could knock things down without anybody being able to stop me. And then I would feel better. But I don't. I mean, not really. Cause, I mean, my dad's still dead. My girlfriend, she's right. I have a lot of things to work through.
