One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Boundaries

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The Alvarez family proved that they are on top of their game on One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3.

"Boundaries" was entertaining, funny, and engaging -- the perfect ingredients for an amazing episode.

They did it all while they shed light on an aspect of the Alvarez family dynamics.

Talking About Boundaries - One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3

From One Day at a Time Season 1 Episode 1, it is clear how close the Alvarez family is. Lydia, the grandmother, lives with them, and they've endured quite a lot together. 

But this episode showed just how close they are, when Alex accidentally walked in on Penelope masturbating.

There was a generational gap at play. Alex believed that their family should have boundaries, to avoid situations like that from happening ever again.

On the other hand, Penelope and Lydia laughed off his suggestion, thinking the idea was ridiculous.

Boundaries are for white people.


Oh My - One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3

Both Lydia and Penelope ignored Alex's feelings and instead argued about masturbation, which is the second message "Boundaries" wanted to send.

Self-gratification is healthy and perfectly fine, regardless of what Lydia thought. But Lydia's views are outdated, which provided another conflict in the generational gap of the Alvarez family. 

Because of this generational gap, there was miscommunication going on between Lydia, Penelope, and Alex. They had to work it out while attempting to understand each other.

It was not an easy process.

Creating Tinder for Penelope - One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3

Especially when Penelope found out that Lydia created a Tinder profile for her behind her back. Which, ironically, Penelope was upset about, since she felt that Lydia violated her privacy.

When Penelope suddenly got defensive about boundaries, the episode focused on the differences and similarities between Lydia, Penelope, and Alex. Their generational gap.

Penelope did not understand why Alex wanted boundaries when their family was super close, but she wanted Lydia to respect her privacy. 

It made her hypocritical, even if she thought it was different because "she is an adult." 

Schneider helped Penelope realize that they are not all that different. Penelope demanded boundaries from Lydia, the same way Alex demanded them from her. It was not different just because she is older.

Before Work - One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3

By the end, Penelope realized that this is just how her family is, and it is important for Alex to understand that as well. But, it did not hurt to avoid some situations from happening again.

Like one of her kids walking in on her masturbating. So, Penelope accepted that this is who they are, and instead of getting angry at Lydia, or trying to talk to Alex about masturbation, maybe she should listen instead.

But, before Penelope reached that conclusion, she encountered humorous stops along the way. Lydia was unable to comprehend what Penelope asked for, so she put on a show with Leslie, demanding her "privacy."

Lydia tried to show Penelope that in the Alvarez family, everyone is in everyone's business, by pretending that she slept with Leslie the previous night, but of course, it did not work.

Studying the Phone - One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3

A+ for the comedic efforts, though. One Day at a Time never fails to prove that they can provide meaningful messages through comedic entertainment.

Penelope: Masturbation is a healthy, normal part of life.
Lydia: No it is not. It is a dirty, sinful habit for sad, ugly people. Not living, beautiful angels.

The jokes throughout One Day at a Time Season 4 Episode 3 felt natural, and they genuinely had the audience laughing the entire time. 

These days, it can be hard for sitcoms to create funny content and still provide their episodes with meaning, but One Day at a Time does not struggle with that.

"Boundaries" proved that One Day at a Time is funnier than ever. One of the best things Pop TV could have ever done was save this show. 

It would be hard to imagine our lives without this show for comedic relief. After finishing "Boundaries," the audience cannot help but feel grateful that this show has a fourth season.

Here's to many more episodes that are as funny and genuine as "Boundaries" was. 

The best part of One Day at a Time Season 4 Episode 3 was the last few minutes. Lydia told Penelope that she ran into the perfect man for her at the grocery store, and pretended that she did not talk to this man -- until said man knocks on their door.

Based on recent episodes, the audience immediately hoped that somehow, it would be Max to sweep Penelope off her feet.

And it was.

Penelope will finally get her happy ending, but not because she needed a relationship, but rather, because there was someone out there, she genuinely loved and regretted letting go.

Spread 'em - One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3

Well, now that she has her second chance, it is doubtful those two will ever be apart again. 

Penelope: Mami, please, stop with the old-school prudishness, it's natural!
Lydia: Maybe for men, because animals cannot help themselves!

It's clear that One Day At A Time isn't afraid to tackle deep topics while staying on point with humor. 

That's greatly appreciated, especially after a switch from Netflix to Pop.

Is it me, or is the show thriving on Pop (and TV Land where it airs in tandem with the home network)?

Over to you, Fanatics!

What did you think of One Day At A Time Season 4 Episode 3? Did you find the episode genuinely funny? What did you think about the similarities and differences over the generational gap? What did you think of the ending?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

And do not forget, you can watch One Day At A Time online right here at TV Fanatic!

Boundaries Review

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Sarah Novack is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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