Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Heart Medicine

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This show continues to surpass my expectations. If you're not watching it, what are you waiting for?

In another heartfelt hour, the Perrys proved why they're one of the best families on television today.

On Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6, Charlotte is center-stage.

Scott and Charlotte - Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6

She's having emergency surgery, and the rest of the family cannot rest until she's okay. We knew she had a heart condition that initially brought her to America, but we didn't know how dangerous it was. 

Charlotte's been hiding her symptoms and attributing them to stress. She's been through a lot in the past year. But, it almost cost her her life. Fortunately, everything went well, and she ended up alright in the end. 

Remember, one red heart.


It was really sweet to see her reunite with Scott while under anesthesia. Their relationship has been downplayed so far, in comparison to Scott's bonds with his other children, but now we get to see just how close they were. 

Charlotte really loves her dad. And he obviously cared for her, too.

Charlotte's grown from a young girl who felt alone in the world into someone who's apart of a loving family. The loss of her dad will always have a significant impact on her life, but it's good to know that she still has a strong support system around. 

Emergency Surgery - Council of Dads

She's Robin's baby. We never really see parents openly admitting they have a favorite child, but Robin and Charlotte have a special bond. It was heartbreaking to watch Robin struggle with sending Charlotte off to surgery alone. Especially considering how serious of a procedure it was.

Thankfully, Robin has Oliver. He's there to distract her and reassure her that everything will be fine. This is arguably the biggest issue Robin's faced since Scott's passing, so she needs the council to be there for her.

She's a miracle.


And Oliver is. He's a calming presence in her life. Even if he's just pacing alongside her, you can tell how much she appreciates him being there. 

Oliver's not only a good friend, but a good dad, too. He checks on Tess after her fight with Charlotte and helps her process her feelings of jealousy. 

And on top of that, he's great with Charlotte. He takes care of her before her surgery and uses his medical knowledge to ease her fears. 

Visiting Charlotte - Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6

I'd imagine these two will become even closer going forward after Charlotte's revelation at the end of the episode.

Ever since her conversation with Tess on Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 5, I knew this was coming. Charlotte is gay. Seeing her dad again, who was so willing to accept anything she was hiding from him, gave her the courage to be honest about who she is. 

If I ever fall in love, like the type of love Mom and Dad had, it will be with a girl.


Oliver was closeted throughout his young adult life. We saw how proud he is of Charlotte for coming out at such a young age. He's going to be the most helpful person in her life for dealing with the complexities of being an out gay person. He's been there before and can provide insight that her mom can't. 

I'm looking forward to seeing the storylines between these two in future episodes. 

Theo's New Friend - Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6

Part of what makes Council of Dads such a great show is the representation it provides. It's incredibly rare to see a teenage girl realize her sexuality on broadcast television. Young gay women everywhere are going to identify with Charlotte and feel seen like never before. 

And I trust Council of Dads to handle this responsibility appropriately. The show's been great thus far with incorporating Oliver and JJ's identities into their storylines in a way that feels very authentic. Hopefully, that'll continue.

We love you exactly as you are.


The Perrys are a very loving family. Charlotte was immediately met with only support after coming out. That will be very affirming to closeted kids watching. It made me tear up.

The central theme of the show has always been about love and acceptance. If the world were full of Perrys, it'd be a much better place.

On A Call - Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6

Luly got a closer look into what her life could've looked like if she wasn't a Perry. She would've still been loved and raised in a happy home. She was for two months. 

But, because of a lie Anthony told many years ago, she ended up back with Scott. 

It was a risky choice, deciding to defend his alcoholic friend in a custody battle, but it's hard to blame him for doing it. 

He believed in Scott and ended up being right. But, imagine if he hadn't? What would he have done if Scott never got sober, but they had already taken Luly away from a stable home? Would he have raised her himself?

Angry Luly - Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6

The longer he goes with telling Luly the whole truth about their relationship, the more it's going to blow up in his face later on. This is the second time she's caught him in a lie. He shouldn't let her get to strike three.

It's unclear whether or not Luly is going to try to maintain a relationship with her (briefly) adoptive parents or if she's had enough closure. She connected with Regina, and found it hard to leave. It wouldn't be surprising if they showed up again.

Stray Thoughts:

  • Who else was shocked by Jules and Theo's love confessions? There's been quite a few time jumps on Council of Dads Season 1, but was it enough time to fall in love?
  • Fingers crossed Oliver and Peter adopt another baby!
Concerned Larry - Council of Dads Season 1 Episode 6

What did you think of Charlotte's coming out speech? Did it make you cry?

Do you agree with Anthony for lying in court?

How great was it to see Scott again?

Let us know what you think in the comments section!

If you missed the episode, you can watch Council of Dads online here at TV Fanatic.

Heart Medicine Review

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Jillian Pugliese is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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